Well it’s taken a good two months, but at long last we have posted our first podcast. It clocks in around 1:45, which is much longer than we anticipated. As we settle in, we will be targeting no more than 1 hour. Please excuse all of my ums, alrights and essentiallys. I am quickly understanding I have some repetitive speech quirks I will need to work through.
I should have an RSS feed soon as well as it posted on iTunes. In the meanwhile, click here to download the show (.mp3 48.5MB) . I have also posted the show notes if you would like to follow along.
We hope you enjoy…Slick and Mrs. McFavorite
Hey guys, finally got around to downloading some episode of the OYT podcast. I’m loving it, particularly for the disparate views between Mr. and Mrs. SMcF.
Thanks Shawn! That means a lot. I think that’s what I love about it too. Previously I would just hear a slightly disgruntled grunt when talking about most of my toy stuff. Now I get full on disgruntled sentences.