Hell yeah. One week between shows. Best yet. Look for next week’s even sooner as we prepare for the most American annual “thing”. That’s right next week is Thanksgiving and better yet Black Friday. Listen here for all the best toy collecting deals on the biggest shopping day of the year. Screw the big screens, I want action figures. This week we talk acronyms, SW QA, WTFWTK MOTUC, NRF, AT-TE, ROTF, and TCW. If you have to ask, you’re not cool enough…JK.
You can access the RSS here or iTunes here. If you would like to download the .mp3 click here (.mp3 37.2MB). To follow along or for reference, check out this week’s show notes.
I love only having to update a few file names…Slick
Nice show’s guys’ I’ve only got 3 to go and all the new one’s.
Thanks man. New one should be up tomorrow/today. Botcon really knocked the hell out of us. Trying to catch up tonight. Hopefully get Botcon coverage up next week. It was really fun. Got to hang with Sabertron and George and Ayleen from Toy Break quite a bit.
I saw you guy’s on there show very cool & did you keep the vegemite?
Hell yeah. We haven’t eaten on anything else yet. My motto is never turn down free food.
If you guy’s need some more i’ll just send you’s some no prob that stuff is like air to us this free (all most) and it’s everwhere it’s an Icon i love the stuff it’s the only stuff i have on my toast and it double’s as axel grease.