Even with only a week in between, seemingly not nearly as much news and not seeing anything on our shelves and pegs, we still manage to go 2+ hours. That’s okay though, because we love what we do and we hope it shows. Botcon can’t seem to get here fast enough and Mrs. McFavorite finally has something to really look forward to. Weird Al, that’s right, Weird mutha fuckin’ Al! Strange to see profanity written. It seems to carry more power when you read it as oppose to just hearing it, but I digress.
For the first time we are actually considering the dinner, just so we can gawk at him. We’re really not the types to strike up conversation, just seems a little too fake if you don’t have something really insightful to talk about. However, we are not above staring from a far. It’s seems it is par for the course when it comes to our celebrity encounters.
Oh yeah…toys. Biggest news, ROTF figures are hitting shelves, least surprising, it’s before the mandatory street date. Will you be hunting this weekend? I know I will. Also, lots of pics of new Star Wars in package. And, are we already seeing repaints of ROC figures that have yet to come out. How big is this line going to be? Personally, I’m a little underwhelmed by the designs so far. Thanks to Heath and Sabertron for your continued support. Finally, is Mrs. McFavorite more excited about the Rise of Cobra trailer than me? Really? Really?
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I sat here for 20 minutes trying to think of something witty and nothing, so this is as good as it gets…Slick
So i just found the show at Ep-14,looking for podcast’s that might like, giveing up on other’s becuse of the bitching going on in the on-line “fan-don” of movie,comic’s and other’s, I’m 28 and only now can aford to buy my star war’s and other toy’s, But thay will never be the toy’s that i had or wanted as a kid,Thank you Mr. & Mrs Slick for Bring back my childhood, not that it was relly gone. P.S if you keep making them i’ll keep downloading them.
Good lookin’ out Jaime. Welcome to the fam. We’re glad you found us. Drop us an voicemail/.mp3 sometime. We would love to here more from you.
Good Morning McFavoritos!!!! Saber Reporting!
Wow am I late on my comments!!!! I have only had 4 days between my Tornado Chasing trips and I”ve spent 99% of it getting the marketing stuff ready for http://www.SabertronToys.com which launches on May 25th, right before Botcon!!! Round 2 of Tornado chasing starts tomorrow and runs another 10 day course! We did only about 2,000+ miles and 2 funnel clouds last time, wish us luck!
I’ll give you a full reply soon after I listen to Episode 16’s podcast!
And holy cow what happened to all of the prior comments?!?! Everything turned to 0! I don’t remember what I typed, how do we go back in time?!?!?!
PS: Ahh, so you mentioned that you were a DJ… Whoa. DJ Premier, DOC, Eazy E, Muggs, Sean P, Black Moon, ring any bells? I would think so. Trust me, I took and retook plenty of RAP / HIPHOP 101 in my School days. Unless I’m way off and you scratch Barry Manilow drops during a Disco Mix.
Hope to see ya’ll in Botcon!!!!!!!!!
Saber Out
So i spent my sunday putting my star wars toys on display,Thank you McFavorite’s for now giving me the moxy to put them on Display, And i’m from the land down under(Australia) we luv the show down here but the toy store’s are shity with mosty the big seller’s,keep it up can’t wait for the next show.
Welcome mate (is that the right vernacular?). Now, I’m really interested how you pronounce your name. Sorry for the ignorance, but as I’m sure you and the rest of the world are aware, we Americans are immensely self centered and ego centric.
I’m glad we motivated someone, because we surely can’t motivate me set up most of my toys. Do you have any pics. Post a link if you do. Finally, anything we can help you with, exclusives, hard to find figures, please do not hesitate to ask. We’ll hook you cost + shipping (which I realize may negate the whole thing).
Love hearing from you man…Slick
Check out 16 for some addition comments. Love your list of goodies though. DJ Premier, DOC, Eazy E, Muggs, Sean P and Black Moon. Eclectic to say the least. The almighty Gang Starr DJ/producer, possibly the most prolific MC of the 20th century before his accident, NWA’s heart, Cypress’ genius, perhaps the most underrated 80s repioneer and Mos and Talib, nuff said.
Yup, you know your stuff. My sentiments exactly.
I got a feeling we’re gonna be shooting the hip hop breeze in between and during Botcon sessions.
I heard you mention that you scratched records and made mix tapes? What’s your next revelation? Have you rapped before? Suge Knight ever try to sign you? Eminem ever diss you? Come on, give us the 411.
PS: DJ Muggs – Grandmasters & Sean Price – Monkey Barz, 2005 Albums of the Year