Now that we are done with all the frivolity of recapping SDCC itself, it’s back to business. Part two of the Comic-Con wrap up is all the regular segments you have come to know and love (at least hopefully): Store Report, Online, What We Got, Listener Feedback and Grab Bag. Can you believe this second part is over two hours too?

There has been a lot poppin’ in the stores and online. Then there is the haul. While not as hefty as last year, we still came away with a ridiculous amount of toys. What sucks is as all the stores light up after the con, we have just spent hundreds of dollars and can’t really justify further spending. Worse yet, Joecon was three weeks later.

Being "gone" for so long we have a massive amount of communications. From Jamie’s rants to long lost listeners, we finally get a chance to respond out load. It was great to know we were missed. We missed you too. We can’t wait to record the Joecon wrap up on Thursday. Being realistic, look for it to be posted on Sunday and ready for a listen on Labor Day.

As a reminder, here are links to photos and videos of SDCC past and present:
SDCC 2008 photos and videos (booths and panels ).
SDCC 2009 photos and videos .

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Next up, Joecon, YO JOE!…Slick