At long last, part 2 of our Joecon wrap up is here. This time it’s all about the toys. What’s hittin’ stores and online and of course, what we got. We also get to hear from two of our favorite listeners. That’s two entries for the 1st Annual Swag-Away (coining that shit right there). Not bad odds. Speaking of the voicemails, Mrs. McFavorite and I joked at the laughable transcripts that Google provides. Try to follow along below if you can. I tried reading them before hearing the calls and could not figure out what the hell they were trying to say. I guess the super digital world has a way to go.


"Hey Mister this is Nick favored Joe pal Terex, I heard the call out today. You wanted some people to call and so I figured you put in all the work to the show. Might as well go ahead. Give me a call. Thank you for the link the explanation on how the podcast is made. Frankly to ship list ever go about doing one myself. I was just curious if, and really, you answered your question, so thanks for that at the and he said something about changing that’s one of my favorite parts about the show the way you to bounce things off each other and you just go places, so more changes. The more the better I change if you could come on sometime. Come on negative A. D. I know it’s a lot of that. Nothing in the month. Other podcast. Even people take the time to make a podcast are like itself worldliness creeping into I’m talking more about Transformers, but it’s like Bogota collecting this is stupid, it’s like you know what whatever. But I wonder what’s up with that was one what your take on, it is if you noticed any of that the other thing. I’ve just got into web shows. Yeah, this is a tangent that deal something called said date. Or and doctor horrible. If you haven’t seen the stuff on you to type those things and wash those shells. I mean. If you’re anything green things like that right up your alley. So I was just wrap this up. I just wanted to say thanks for the work you put in. I really appreciate it and keep up the good work."


Hey Jason, Jessie, This is Erin. Phyllis from baltimore a call when you guys, First off, I just wanna say I love your podcast is. It’s the best. I wrote B and I was a huge team. And yeah, i’d you know. Star Wars it and all that and this is Craig I have a podcast that you cover like you say 3 agrees franchises of the A D as in doesn’t give much better. Net, but mob and 28 81 or not you to look and Okay, I’ll talk to you. Just a couple times but let’s face book but yet and I just want to say hello and you know, just tell you guys doing a great job. Save Comic Con covers is. Also, I’ll be in from Baltimore. You know I. I can’t get out there or anything like that. And you know I’m like go crazy. Every year, this is C coverage back from that you guys are such an awesome job in the that you to videos. We’re around standing in just seen everything that’s coming out and she not much so. Moni, I’m gonna be spending had had about the Griffis coming up his it is interesting, but I just want to. Will give you guys a call when. And you know say that you know you do have a great job. Love the podcast. Keep it up and I’m having your podcast with everybody and I know I’ve got a lot of friends that you know collect stories in you know, we’re pretty much you know little kids never grew up in. I know for myself. You know clicked into we seek. Especially you know that it’s to waste. Which at 10 o’clock Morris you know just brings back memories. Mosh out or whatnot. Thank you. Bye Klux voices so you know, trying to You Know. Remember, chocolate, Mister ways of stuff. So anyway, I don’t wanna keep going on, but I’ll call back at another time in. Can’t wait to next week’s podcast in guys. Keep it up. Have a great job and let you know. Don’t stuff spoke to you. Man, California cigarette. You know I’m saying. I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye.

If you missed it in the last post, you can check out our photos on Flickr and our videos on YouTube .

Hopefully recording episode 24 this weekend. It’s going to be our all Q and A episode. Between Hasbro and Mattel there has been quite a few since our last normal cast. Stay tuned while we talk about all the news, reveals and WTFs.

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Oh con season, you’ll be missed…Slick