Hey there toy fans. It’s Thanksgiving and this should have been up a few days ago. Oh well, there is another cast being posted almost immediately after this one. If you can’t guess, this is just a continuation of the last cast. Basically that means I’m not going to be creative with this shit.
That’s right. If you are paying attention, you deserve big ups. Bigger ups than I could ever put in writing. So here is the "long awaited" part 2 of episode 26. If you are listening to this during Black Friday 2009, stop right now and go to episode 27. It is our special Black Friday 2009 wrap up. It will let you know what to buy and where on the biggest shopping day of the year. Welcome back, glad we could help.
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The Batmobile lost a wheel and the Joker got away, hey…Slick
Dude, the show start’s with the intro & then Zip,Noth’in,blank,nar’da for about 13 minutes(just letting you know) & Dude W.T.F-Admiral Ackbar (come on,dude “it’s a trap”) You new name: “Admiral SlickBar”.
Thanks for the heads up jaime! What would we do without you. Mrs. McFavorite will check out the big misteaky and fix.
Keep the show as is,it’s like that KoRn album were the song’s start on track 13.
Is that the “Bring it on” soundtrack you guy’s have on?
It could have been. That’s some guilty pleasure shit right there.
I only ask because there’s that one song they “Dance” to in the movie & i would luv to get it.
I have most of the soundtrack, let me know what scene and I’ll see if I have it.
The fuck…bring it soundtrack? lol
@ Taterx, go suck an egg, We know you Luv that shit.
Whoa, jamie’s a little defensive about his girlies. I’ve got another homie (he has been on the show) that is also a Bring It On fanatic. He’s a crazy Downhill mountain biker doing sick 30′ drops and works as a brick layer in real life and still loves him some cheerleaders. I think that is my main draw too. Love preppy chicks in short skirts. We both catch mad shit from the rest of our friends about it. In regard to the soundtrack, my friends call it “by yourself music”.
Oh, did I mention Mrs McFavorite was team captain in high school?
It’s funny the movie has this weird Guy only following & i think it’s more than just the Girl’s in “Cheerleader” out’fit’s, there’s about 9 straight to dvd sequels but they do nothining for me (yes i’ve seen them) it’s like a “Kubrick” film with out the F’ed up story.