In the immortal words of Clark W. Griswald, "Hallelujah…Holy shit…Where’s the Tylenol?". Has it already been a year? A decade? Really? Seems like just yesterday we had started our own podcast and were ranting on almost every other subject except for toys. Just like last year we have had somewhat of a sabbatical this last month. We hope everyone had an amazing December.

Just in time for the new year, we have one of our most prolific casts yet. In fact, the prolificness is so great this will literally be a three parter. This first part is our welcome back to you in the form of a contest and our good’ole review of all the biggest news. We got dates for 4 conventions, C5, Botcon ’10, DairyCon and Fan Days. You may have noticed that one of those are not like the others. There’s also toy news. New collector club exclusives, Star Wars and G.I. Joe prototypes and Mattel/DR/MOTUC complaints. Okay, that last one is more of a regular segment rather than news. Makes you wish you owned the Masters of the Universe license, right? Are you sure?

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In the immortal words of Nengue Mboko, "Merry New Year!"…Slick