Wow, finally. I thought the holidays were never going to end. We have officially started to take down our Christmas decorations. We were not being lazy for once, we actually had a good reason. Last Saturday was the triumphant return of "Homie Christmas". Started as a way to just get friends together for a Christmas party devoid of pretense and formality, it quickly became my favorite party of the year. As a lot my friends and I have grown up/apart, Homie Christmas has definitely fallen victim. However, this one was amazing and perhaps the best one ever.
Our group of friends has become more diverse, making Secret Santa gift exchanges almost impossible. Instead we opted for $20 gift cards to be given out White Elephant-style. This way no one gets a shitty present while giving a great one. For those so inclined, not much thought was needed either. We did sweeten the creativity pot by also having everyone contribute a dollar. At the end we voted for the best gift card and the winner won the pot, essentially paying for their gift card. Can you believe that one of credit card gift cards won? Me neither. I’ve always believed it was the thought that counted. Oh well, I guess it speaks to this day in age. I’m definitely not bitter or anything. And, while "cash" was the most appreciated gift card, getting to hang out with some of my best friends in this world was truly the best gift.
Wrapping up our first (mega) cast of the new year, we finally get to the new voicemails and hear from some friends not so geographically near, but just as close in our hearts. (Psst, that was the impetus to that whole Homie Christmas story by the way.) We also talk about all the new War for Cybertron game, toy and cartoon news. Are you excited? I know I am. Have you seen that new Star Wars Adidas apparel? We have and it’s kind of love/hate for this conglomeration of two of my favorite things. Last we’ve got a lot going with OYTC and not shy at all about telling you about it.
Also, don’t forget the contest going on. Just give us a call at 720.235.TOYS (8697) and tell us what you got for the holidays. We’ve got an awesome Fetts prize package and I’ve tossed in a couple goodies as well. We want to hear your wonderful voices. You’ve got until January 31st bitches!
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Last time I said Part 3 would follow shortly. Just another reason to never believe a word I say…Slick
Wellcome back.