Guess what? I left my tri-pod connector in Star Wars. Sorry no video from me this year.
- 12-pack finally coming out
- Club Infinite Earths (9 monthly figures, 3 quarterly figures and one subscription figure)
- Fan’s Choice club exclusive figure (VOTE FOR Black Lantern Swamp Thing)
- 5 Lions and their pilots
- 23″ Voltron
- Automatically transform from combined mode
- Each pilot comes with a piece of the blazing sword
- Separate heads with helmets
- Sven with Blue Lion key to be the exclusive subscription figure
- Lab Coat Egon
- Slime Blower Ray
- Vigo with Lenticular “painting”
- Ecto-1 Club sub with 6 figures (exclusive figure is The Rookie from the video game)
- Dana Berrett as Zuul laying down with extra legs to stand
- Bizarro and Faker is now available at EE booth
- October Galactic Protector Icarious (Flipshot) and Windraider $40 (with stand)
- November Snout Spout, Battleground Evil-Lyn, and Swiftwind
- She-Ra 2.0 with new sword, new “mask” and bubble-wand
- December Demo-Man with three heads
- Subscription (12 figs, 4 quarterly variants, 4 over-sized/multipacks)
- 30th Anniversary figures coming
- January The Sorceress and Star Sisters 3-packs ($60 item)
- Februrary Fisto 2 heads and giant sword
- March Kobra Kahn 2 heads (cobra style) and Thunderpunch He-Man
- Now have Filmation rights except for the Movie
- Subscription figure is Shadoweaver and
- Mini Comics return. 3 issue series with the 1st 3 quarterly variants
- Create a Character contest now through Dec. 31st (new characters only, MOTU feel, Matty owns it, winner to be announced SDCC 2012, figure to be made available Dec. 2012)
- 6 new 30th Anniversary MOTU characters (1 by the Horsemen (Drego-man), 1 by Geoff Johns, 2 by Mattel, 1 Fans Choice, 1 Fearless Photog (original custom winner))
- Voting for the color of Granamyr (Red animation or green mini comic)
- 30th Anniversary figure are not part of the subscription, but will have bios
- No plans for vehicle Voltron right now (space mice are coming though)
- Kobra Kahn not to have squirting feature
- 2-3 Filmation figures a year
Bad Q&A for Matty as usual.
Your doing a fine job brother!! Even though Im not there the live blog and the twitter updates are on the money….. Im still a little upset with Matty but the Voltron lions and figures are making me forget the past lol.
Voltron does look nice. I took a couple pics but haven’t really looked at the articulation and engineering. I missed putting it on the show notes, but at $290 it better be amazing.