It’s truly amazing how quickly things can change. One moment everything is progressing the same as it always has and WHAM, your life will never be the same. That’s how I felt on December 11th. It really has changed my entire outlook on life. There’s something priceless about events of this nature. All I can say is I hope everyone experiences something similar at least once in their lifetime.
Talk about once in a lifetime, that’s how I feel about the 80’s and more specifically, the toys of the 80’s. It was literally a perfect storm of relaxing federal regulations, the proliferation of cable TV and syndication and media tie-ins. Gone were the previous generation’s large 12″ and clothed dolls. The late 70’s saw a relatively unknown film usher in a new era of action figures and with it a new approach to toy marketing. With the advancements in technology in the last 20 years, such as life-like video games and the World Wide Web, unfortunately kids will never have an experience like we did. While we normally cover the 4 boys’ lines that have dominated action figure isles for the last 30+ years, this time around we talk about our other favorite lines from what many kids that grew up during that time call the best decade ever, the 80’s.
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Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it…Slick
Woot! Can’t wait to listen! Off to download…
Ah ha! Congratulations! I have 2 kids myself (7months and 3yrs) so I know what you are in for. You guys will be be great parents. I know I’m a complete stranger but from one geek parent to another, if you ever have any questions LMK.
I will be very interested to see the ebay listings when they go up mwah-hah-hah-hah!
Thanks Dan,
I’m sure we’ll have some “Is this normal?” questions. I’ll be promoting the grand sell off on the show for sure. I think I’m going to try Crave first, but we’ll see. Also, I put anything real interesting out on Twitter and Facebook first.
I think it be going to be a great way to interact with my toys, even if it for a last time for some of them.
Ok i”l say it………this was a good show 🙂
Glad you enjoyed Jaime. Don’t worry, we won’t be doing too many. It’s too much damn research. Even if it didn’t seem that way 🙂