Five years in a row. Just thinking about it makes my wallet want to cry and my heart soar. Although I always exercise amazing restraint in the dealer room, I always buy all the exclusives. That right there puts you $300+ in the hole before the show even starts. However, this year I got to live vicariously through my show buddies Optimus Andy and Tylertron. They definitely took advantage of their first Botcon. I definitely took advantage of kicking it with two amazing guys. From cutting lines to being duped by a fast talking con man, from partaking in my “water” habit to getting lost in Dallas for hours. I couldn’t have asked for a better last hurrah. We even got to spend time with long time Botcon bro, Saber, or as he calls himself nowadays, Bruce.
I know I say it all the time to the point that it’s becoming a cliche, but it really is the people that make a show. Yeah, there are toys galore, both new ones and ones from our childhood. You even get an opportunity to see toys that will not be out for months. Yet my most favorite memories year after year are the people: friends, guests, attendees, dealers and even the staff. However, because those types of memories are hard to capture because they don’t stand still for long, here are some pics and vids from the show.
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I already miss the good times, thanks again Andy and Tyler….Slick
HAHAHA, so true about Adult Swim!! Cool episode, the format worked really well.
Yeah, I thought Andy and Tyler did great.
Botcon…….i’ll be there one day 🙂
Hope to see you all there one day McFavorite’s 🙂
And i’ve said it before & i’ll say it again your co-host’s need ther own podcast 🙂
Seemed like a great time boys i’m sure will all meet up at Botcon 2016 🙂
Definitely SDCC before Botcon, but maybe they’ll be close enough one year to do both 🙂