Unfortunately this isn’t our Comic-Con episode. Even more unfortunate is we’re not even at Comic-Con. What we are is 3 in about 4 weeks. So that basically means we’re busy as hell. We will do a recap like we always have in about a week. If you wanna hear my initial thoughts I will be doing a SDCC wrap up with Dave and Devall of Toy World Order this Sunday. Meanwhile, Mrs. McFavorite is in full on nesting mode. She painted half the nursery today by herself. Mad props go out to anyone that is painting anything at 8 months pregnant. While we missed The Con this year, we still feel amazing. 4 weeks and counting, then shit will be real for real.

This week is mostly catch up with all the craziness leading up to SDCC. Not a lot news, but ridiculous amounts of sightings and new pre-orders which is about par for the course. With Joecon came The Concept Case. This thing has instigated a lot of discussion and as with all fandoms a good share of negativity. These two Kreon “combiners” kicked off what we would find out at SDCC is basically an amazing new direction for Kre-O Transformers. Star Wars has been a little lack luster as of late, but we have a little more Vintage on the way, but not much else. SPOILER, the first part of 2013 is going to suck. Lastly, Matty had an amazing (in my opinion at least) albeit expensive month. The Griffin, Atrocitus, Green Lion, Horde Prime and Snake Man-At-Arms were superb.

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We’ll see you sooner rather than later…Slick