It’s been over a month and I still can’t believe I’m father. Every time I look into her eyes and hold those tiny hands in mine all I think of is that I need to be a better me. No longer just for me, but much more importantly for her. The next thing I think about is all the plastic I have in containers throughout our house. I know have be talking about this for almost a year, but now is the time. My massive sell off starts this weekend. If there is anything, and I mean anything, you have been looking for let me know. While I am willing to part with most things for cost, some items are to going to have to go to the Bay to recoup the cost of thousands of other items that have nearly no value now. However, if you’re reading this I know you’re a true collector and will try to help you out as much as possible.
With that out of the way, now on to the happy. Here are my favorite things from the show. First up, Celebration VI gave us our first in hand look at the Vintage Collection Royal Guard. I bought an extra opener and now I wish I had bought ten. I talk about focus characters during the show and the Royal Guard is to Star Wars as Soundwave and his minions are to Transformers. That makes this an absolute must. Joe news is almost non-existent as usual, but another focus character rears his beautiful shoe? Finally while I couldn’t keep the focus character train rolling, we did review one of my favorite Masters of the Universe Classics piece of the entire line.
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I promise the next one will be shorter…Slick
Hey man, good to hear you two back on my iphone! Totally relate to how you are feeling about the hobby. The kids made it easier for me to shrink my collection and focus on what I truly MUST have. The rest of the plastic became easy money baby! LOLZ can’t believe I used to be over the 1000 transformer mark! After isaac (no 2) came along it’s been out with the old, in with less new. Actually happier now than ever with my collection overall, it’s like a greatest hits album instead of a bloated 4-disc concept album 😛
That’s what I’m looking forward to. Also, besides some carded displays and the monthly “TV/Entertainment Center” displays, I primarily still have toys from 4 years ago on display. Can’t wait to get things like my Ultra Magnuses, Soundwave/Blaster and tapes, Seekers, WSTs, Combiners and then staples like Prime and Meg shelves up and rocking.
Toy Wars Episode 78:Return of the McFavorite’s
Good to have you back guy’s 🙂
Listening now 😀
Hi SlickMcFav and MrsMcFav:
I was at Celebration VI and I didn’t know about the Exclusive Lego Slave 1 at the show. (>_<) I missed out on a good exclusive. About the Red Royal Guard, I ordered three of those. Two from Amazon and one from BBTS (entire wave) to keep mint on card. There is a few figures in that last wave just look super fantastic!
MrsMcFav, the Star Wars figure you are thinking about that was very hard to get is Wedge Antilles from the Vintage Collection (not Biggs Darklighter). Now Wedge is peg warming all over the place. He “was” going for crazy amount of money ($50-$100) before and now selling below $7 on Ebay. By the way, even though Star Wars toys are not that excising anymore but you must pick up the Toys R Us Exclusive 5 pack Ewok set ($39.99). That set is simply a lot of fun and cute to display, not to mention it comes with a tons of accessories! I’m so psyched for Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead)! Thanks for the heads up on that news.
SlickMcFav, I just noticed that Toys R Us is doing a buy 2, get one free on Masterpiece Thundercracker. That means it will be $47 each and with free shipping, cheaper then the previous sale on Thundercracker. Not sure what you would do with three of those, I bet scalpers are all over that deal.
Talk about having too much stuff and can’t really appreciate some of the pieces in my collection, have you two watched “Collector Intervention” on syfy? I think they are at episode 6 (not certain). After watching the show, it really gave me some perspective about my collection. I used to spend about $400-$500 a month but now I am really cutting back. What is your opinion about that show? and would MrsMcFav call Elyse Luray for a Collector Intervention if you can’t control yourself? haha 😀
Inclosing, thank you so much for yet another amazing show. I always look forward to each new episode! Again congratulation from being husband/wife to Father/Mother. ^^
AliasAngelAlias (Peter)
P.S. Just saw you two in FB, you two look just as I imagine “Beautiful Perfect Couple.” Checkout my Celebration VI photos in FB (friend request sent). You might get a kick out of it.
Thanks man! Feels good to be back.
You’re absolutely right about the Wedge, didn’t even put that together. I juiced for Hammerhead too. It’ll be interesting to see how he comes out.
Unfortunately the Thundercracker is a limit of 1 online. When I saw you message he was in stock, but I forgot to order at least the one and now he’s back to “out of stock”. Going to try and grab him this weekend.
We’ve seen the first episode. It really opened my eyes too. Really want to streamline my stuff and finally do all the displays swimming around in my head. If the show wasn’t so staged I might consider doing it.
Your photos are AMAZING! So cool to see what a the combination of a real photographer and fan can produce. Do you mind of I share them? Let me know.