There’s an interesting paradigm when you do a homegrown news podcast. Do you try to enjoy the experience and post shows at your convenience or do you let the “pressure” of getting things out in a timely fashion dictate your life? We choose the previous for the most part. The truth is we love doing this, but we love doing so many other things too. We’re foodies that cook as much as possible, movie and TV buffs and most recently caring, nurturing parents. These things regularly trump and probably will always trump the cast. While some may see this as a disadvantage in regard to other shows, we see it as balance. That’s why you won’t hear any talk of literally the biggest news in Transformers collecting in years, at least yet. You also won’t hear about G.I. Joe finally making its debut Kre-O-style and that’s okay at least to us.

What you will hear about this episode is the amazing reveal at the MOTUC panel at Power-Con. Did you know there was a missing Star Wars figure? Me neither. G.I. Joe was abysmal this week. No wonder they preempted their NYCC event with the Kre-O news. Finally, Transformers, as usual, had a slew of news. Not quite as exciting as what we found out after the cast, but still interesting nonetheless.

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More than an hour shorter, promised fulfilled…Slick