I couldn’t help myself, had to go back to the music references. If this is your first time reading my musings, you probably don’t know that I really lean on music from my past for concepts. Even if you’re a regular reader, you may have missed that these posts have a pretty rigid format. It helps cut down on the creativity needed. For good or bad I’m committed to it. Same thing with the show format, but if I was worried about 2 hour shows, as you could imagine, 3 hours are driving me a little nuts. While I have no problem with talking toys, I can’t imagine you, the listener, wanting 3 hour shows. Listen to the next show for more discussion on this.

Speaking of formats, I still love this format. Again, if you never noticed I reference my favorite story from each brand below. This can come from news, online, grab bag, etc. This time around they all come from Toy Fair. In the "who didn’t see this coming, but glad they’re finally here" category, Funko finally showed off their full color ReAction MOTU line . In the "surprise, but don’t we have most of this stuff" category, the next Lego Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series (UCS) set is yet another Hoth base with supporting entourage. Thankfully it has a couple things I’m really excited for. As usual Transformers wins the "worst kept secrets/reveals" category. I just wish we could be surprised with something . G.I. Joe won for "the most disappointing" category and that’s hard to do at Toy Fair. Unfortunately they surprised us with this .

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Commitment, huh, yeah! What is good for? Absolutely everything…Slick