To quote one of my favorite shows right now, “welcome back for the first time”. Okay I may be a little biased, but is that so wrong? We’ve done SDCC more times than we count, Joecons, Botcons, even the new kid on the block, Denver Comic Con every year since its inception. Still nothing compares our first love, Starland’s StarFest.
It has an incredibly rich history, a true family feel and it doesn’t hurt that it’s the first show of con season. This year was no different. The one thing that was different was the location. We really wanted to love it, but it just didn’t have that same je ne sais quoi. While it did take away from the magic just a little, not as much as I thought it would. I still very much enjoyed traditions like star-studded panels, pictures with cosplayers and of course the dealer room. Due to Mrs. McFavorite only being able to join me on Friday night, I got to experience the con as a daddy daughter date day and with one of the OGest of OG sci-fi fans, mother-in-law, Schmommy McFavorite. So check the pics, take a listen and feel the love.
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See you next year friend…Slick