I was listening to NPR the other day and they had an author on there that wrote a book called All That Man Is. Before the interviewer even had the chance to lob the softball of a question about the title, I knew he was being clever and it had a dual meaning. It has the glass half empty connotation of this is all that man will ever be. However, to those of us that choose to be a little more optimistic it can represent the grandeur of what us as a people have achieved. Even people closest to me have no idea how rough life has been lately. If you ask me how’s it going, I’ll say “Good, how about you?” Some would say I’m in denial. I say I’m being optimistic. Life won’t always be this way, it will get better. At least I hope so and sometimes hope is enough. Now back to our title, do you see the dual meaning?

If you don’t, it means this show is the shit. We had a great time and I needed it. All of us are here talking NYCC, including the Super7 MOTUC reveals. While NYCC had some official reveals, a con none of us know the name of had the best Transformers reveals. Of course Star Wars had what is now becoming their standard panel, but at least we get some cool pics. And while Joe may never have another panel at a big con again, at least the 2 and 3-packs are hitting.

Life is half full…Slick

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