Well, it happened again. Awhile back you heard me whine about losing my new iPhone. That was at the start of my unemployment. Well just as things are getting really tight around here financially, I did another dumb thing. As with my iPhone, I was rushing. This time I backed into a car. It was a tiny bump, the car was a beater, but I did dent it. I waited for while no one showed. I knocked on the door of the house it was parked in front of, no one answered. After waiting another 5-10 minutes I left a note on the windshield. This is all while Lil’ Miss McFavorite was asking why I hit the car, why I didn’t just park somewhere else, why I was knocking on the door, why I was writing a note. It was a great learning experience for her about taking responsibility and doing what is right, but again, it was all about rushing. You’ll hear a lot of apologies during this show. Vern had already had a bad weekend, and again, because I was in a hurry I made it worst. Due to me not managing my time right, I cost you, the listener, and Lotus and me the chance to have Vern on this show. So here’s one more apology Vern, I am really sorry. Usually, the cost of hurrying (i.e. time management) is a lot more subtle, for me, it has been very evident.
Another thing that is evident is that we’ll never get this under two hours. Especially when we have very divisive things to talk about like the Make America Great Again Jazz. Something that has been less divisive than usual, but still has to have just a little drama is the new FSS 7.0. I still love it! How is it that Joe has more news than MOTU? A minicomic we have talked about since Power-Con is literally the only official MOTU news. Something never at a loss for news is good’ole Star Wars. We talk about the new trilogy and the possibility of a new TV show.
Be quick, but don’t hurry…Slick
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