I can still remember vividly several trips to Toys”R”Us as a kid. Now, of course, I probably went there over a hundred times, but if you’re like me there are just a handful of times that really stand out. One is very sad. I was 12 years old My grandma passed away while I was in Wyoming. My aunt came and got me and on the way to Albuqueurque, my home town, we stopped at a Toys”R”Us in Denver. I bought a Starriors Cosmittor Deadeye. It was a remote-controlled T-Rex that shot discs. Come on, what’s cooler than that? It was on clearance (of course) and I played with it non-stop for the next 2 days during all of the services. When I purchased a boxed version a few years back, it brought a huge smile to my face. Inversely, my other most vivid memory is the classic sprawling shelves of every figure you can ever remember, or at least it seemed like it. This makes all us extremely happy right? It was when I first started discovering Transformers and all I wanted was the Devastator boxset. Of course, I didn’t ever get it, but the visit sold me on combiners and they became an obsession for me to this day.
I actually appreciate obsession. I feel it can be healthy if taken with a grain of salt. Kind of like this Hasbro Abominus. It looks amazing, but that’s probably not the truth. It’s most likely going to be very mediocre. If your Star Wars EU obsession hasn’t been satisfied, now you can buy Darth Revan by the case. With Super7 not really pushing the envelope, or even maintaining the quality of MOTUC, Masters fans may find their new obsession in these upcoming Mondo figs. Finally, it’s an interesting paradigm when one boxset has figures you are completely obsessed with and figures you could completely care less about. Great job G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club.
No matter what, we will always be Toys”R”Us kids…Slick
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