There are enough exterior forces in this world working against you. The last thing anyone needs is to contribute to them. Life is hard enough. Why would you ever want to help it by thinking you’re anything but amazing? Now, of course, we have all things we would like to change about ourselves. Change is hard. Many times it is so much easier to maintain the status quo. The key is to not come down on yourself even if you’re not killing it. Be happy with small steps, hold your head high when you stumble and never, I mean never, give up. Tomorrow is always another day, another chance to be the you you want to be.
I guess there is always another day, unless your Toys”R”Us. Their last day is coming. We talk about what that means and what the first day of the liquidation looked like. IDW’s Transformers run is also coming to an end. It’s a conclusion to an era and I’m excited for the next incarnation. Another thing that is approaching its last day is G.I. Joe Collectors’ Club. You can now purchase their last incentive figure. Something that looks like it has many days to come is HasLab. Their flagship product has been back by over 5,000 people. The Star Wars 3.75 community came together and crowdfunded a 2.5 million dollar project. Another thing that continues to have its day is Power-Con. This small but passionate convention consistently brings it and this year is no different. 3 Filmation exclusives are coming our way. They definitely have the power.
Excited to be the me I want to be, well, almost…Slick
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