I tend to pride myself on being considerate… and, I mean to an annoying degree. That is why it is upsetting when people are less so. We experience this in many ways. When driving you should be making every attempt to not alter another driver’s course. There are exceptions like merging, but not many more. Now think, how many times was your course altered this morning or worse, how many times did you alter another driver’s course? Being oblivious can be even more frustrating when it comes to social or emotional cues. Especially when people are just going on and on and I’m making every attempt to show how uninterested I am (in the politest way), please take the hint. The worst one, in my opinion, is hurting someone’s feelings. I am guilty of doing this over and over with Mrs. McFavorite. I would never want to intentionally hurt her, but quite frequently I say something very insensitive. I tend to hope that it just means that we are oblivious to these indiscretions, not that it makes it any better. However, it is better than thinking that we all are actively being inconsiderate to the people around us.

So many things to ensure that you’re not oblivious to. First, The Toys That Made Us is killing it. Their TF episode wasn’t perfect, but it was great. Something that has never been perfect, but I haven’t hated is the Joe movieverse. Looks like it will continue. MOTU had some great reveals of its own in the form of a couple new Mega Construx sets. EE has those and quite a bit of other MOTU items I was oblivious to. Finally, Lando is someone that was never a focus of mine, but his Skiff Guard disguise is something I couldn’t ignore. Okay, that was a stretch.

Just remember to pull your head out of your ass…Slick

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