Man, so close to getting it under 2 hours. I had such a good feeling about this one. Show notes only took my 30 minutes, it was just two of us, and still breached that 120-minute mark. Granted, it’s all my fault, but man, so close. You know what else is close? Our 150th episode and the return of Mrs. McFavorite. Yeah boyee, my baby is back. For how long, we’ll see. She’s had a few short-lived returns in the past. This almost guarantees we’ll have special guest appearances by Lil’ Miss McFavorite. 150 isn’t even the biggest milestone coming up. Our 10th anniversary is right around the corner.

The amazing next wave of Super7 Classics is almost here. I’m am super ( pun intended 🙂 ) excited for these, more so than the Filmation wave. Something that was imminent when I did the show notes and arrived the day before we recorded, was the latest installment of FSS 7.0. While Crystal Ball does have a little bit of giraffeness, he’s still a cult classic and in my opinion, this only adds to it. I have been counting the days until the special one-day screening of the ’86 Transformers movie. If you hadn’t notice, time has been somewhat of a running theme. If you wanna keep track of yours, there is no better way than a vintage Star Wars calendar.

Exciting times…Slick

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