So I have a friend. I know, the oldest story in the book right? A friend, right? But, no really, I have a friend that has a serious problem. They keep promising to get help. They even have gotten help in the past, but have just gone back their old ways. It’s one of those problems that’s really easy to keep doing. It’s easy to hide. The biggest issue is while it seems like it doesn’t affect the people around them, it’s actually incredibly detrimental to almost everything in their life. To what lengths do you have to go to make people face their problem or to even understand that something is a problem? I could threaten to stay out of their life until they do something, but I don’t want to lose them. I guess I’m scared that they have been rationalizing this for so long, that they may even rationalize losing one of their best friends.

Sorry for the bummer posts lately, just going through a lot as you can imagine. On a brighter note, there’s TOYS! Well except for, G.I. Joe. Yet again the only update is about the new Snake Eyes movie and even it’s pretty unsubstantial. However, we will finally have some toy news for Joe on the next show. So I was actually pretty excited about the exclusive Hoth Han and Leia 2-pack. I slept on it and know it looks to be sold out everywhere. It’s been a while since that happened. Yet another whole lotta nothing in the latest installment of Super7’s MOTU Q and A, but unfortunately there’s not much else for Masters. For Transformers, the US release of the War for Cybertron Seige figures probably tops the news. Haven’t seen them around here yet and haven’t watched any reviews, but I’m pretty excited.

I think I’ve had enough…Slick

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