Welcome back to the same’ole same’ole. As we ran through the news this week I couldn’t help but think about the response we had to The Rock and Lotus show. For the longest time, we have been a news show. I started this show to get all the news from the 4 franchises in one place. However, 11 years later we’ve really settled into our lane. No aspirations of making a million dollars or being Internet famous, just guys talking toys. Since this is now primarily a family affair, I want to ask you, our family. Would you prefer more of a discussion format? Do you like us trying to cover as much news as possible? Would you rather more in-depth discussions about much fewer topics? Without you, we’re just grown men talking into headsets about toys. Let your voice be heard.

Super7 is really balancing listening to their fans and doing their thing. Just like MOTUC, Pixel-Dan and Stina did an amazing job covering them at Power-Con. The biggest news in Transformers for a while now has been Unicron. Did the new trailer video change your mind? Star Wars has kinda been a no-show now for a few months and in preparation of Triple Force Friday. However, SDCC exclusives are coming, so there’s that. Finally, Joe has one news item, as usual, say hello to Crazy Rich Snake Eyes.

Rock the vote…Slick

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