I have to say that it was a pretty good Toy Fair. Nothing jaw-dropping amazing, but consistent. As usual, most things were spoiled in some form or fashion ahead of time. However, some things caught us unaware. How about the vintage reissues of the Ghostbusters? That got a lot of people excited. Much less so for their new Plasma (i.e. Black) Series counterparts. The Turtles made another huge showing. From Super7 to NECA, there are so many collector-grade choices for our favorite amphibious martial artists. Speaking of NECA, they continue to do their thing. So many Aliens, Predators, and serial killers, oh my. When you start to think about it’s a lot of the same. Rock posted a great meme on the group. It really is true. Don’t even consider the straight reissues. Everything they’re doing is targeted at we who “spent our formative years subjected to a barrage of unchecked marketing that froze our development and left us perpetual children who can’t help ourselves from endless consumption of these pop culture properties that we have woven them into the fabric of our very identities”.
The one thing that did deviate from its vintage source material got grief, not a ton, but enough to prove that what we really want is exactly what we had. I’m sure you know we’re getting a new Joe line. It’s not close enough to vintage ARAH line for many people, including me. They tried something new and we don’t even give it a chance. I can really start to see the draw of Mythic Legions, Vitruvian H.A.C.K.s, etc. At least they’re trying something relatively new. Look at Masters, we go from getting a variety of new formats, to right back to the classic 5.5, granted with much better articulation. But, they do one thing different a la the head sculpts, and people bitch, including me. Transformers is even getting back to basics with the OG earth alt modes. The new line is basically G1 with better sculpts and everyone, including me, loves it. Star Wars continues its faithful pandering and I’ve already pre-ordered it.
My hope for SDCC, originality…Slick
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