I think it’s absolutely astonishing that on this 4th we are the most divided we have ever been with maybe the exception of the Civil War era. I purposely steer way clear of politics outside of the ridiculous amount I get from the news. While Mrs. McFavorite has dived in headfirst, it’s just something I don’t choose to not participate in. Everyone believes in what they believe. Their history, culture, environment, and experiences have shaped their views. I have tried for years to change people’s minds and at almost 45, I can tell you it has done little to no good. I can also say that while I feel have kept an open mind, my views have changed little over the span of my life. So today lets celebrate our independence. Let’s understand that not everyone thinks the same and that’s a right that countless men and women have died protecting.

Sorry to get so heavy, especially when this hobby should bring nothing but good feels. I think a lot of people had some good feels over all of the announcements over the last week. Hasbro is giving us a Black Series for Transformers. Star Wars 3.75″ collectors are getting another playset. I loved it, Cliff hated it. What are your thoughts? Nothing for MOTU, so I’ll just promote the 4Horsemen’s 20th anniversary. My favorite reveal by far all week was a Classified Pimp Daddy Destro.

We will not go quietly into the night…Slick

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