It was 12 years and one day ago that Mrs. McFavorite and I announced we would start a podcast. 2 months later Open Your Toys Cast was born. I meant to have this out yesterday so I could say “12 years on this day”, but as the title implies, time certainly moves faster than we could ever imagine. I’m actually sneaking this post in on Mrs. McFavorite’s birthday. It was just under 20 years ago that she and I met. In just a few short months after that, we would never be away from each other for more than a few days. Another milestone coming up in less than a week is Lil’ Miss McFavorite will be 8 years old.
I’ve been watching a ton of Ken Burns documentaries over the last few months. It’s crazy to see what is captured for posterity, especially back then. What’s even crazier are the assumptions that are made and the results that are witnessed and evaluated in hindsight. I said I would never do it, but the more nostalgic I grow, especially in these trying times, the closer I get to listening to those older shows. Mainly because I would love to hear all the amazing people that have contributed to the show. They include hosts, editors, listeners, and most importantly my wife and original co-host and editor for putting up with it all. Who knows, maybe in another 12 years.
Here’s to another 200 or 12 years whatever comes first…Slick
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