Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I think everyone should know that by now, but I never knew it was Einstein that said it. Truer words for me have never been spoken. I can’t tell you how many facets of my life this pertains to, past, present, and unfortunately most likely future. Everybody has things they want to change about themselves. I tend to have a lot of those and I always have. Yet nothing ever really changes. I can almost see the exact same 17-year-old that’s been here the whole time. Yeah, I’m more empathetic, caring, I obey almost all driving regulations now, but I still drink too much, smoke too much, and now I buy too many toys. I know I constantly talk about change, but nothing has changed. That’s insanity.
What’s really insane is the deep cuts we’re getting. I love this stuff and I think that’s what really gets me in trouble. The Super7 ReAction radiated Snake Eyes from the M.A.S.S. Device mini-series is amazing. The new Gaming Greats Arc Troopers? Not only have Arc Troopers never appeared in any movies but then to get three of them from one game in two different scales? Probably one of my biggest deep cuts literally, not only for size but considering you only see them in one episode of Transformers for seconds are the Guardian Robots. It looks like we’ll be getting a new one. Not necessarily a deep cut but something that makes you realize what a niche we have created for ourselves is the new Amazon exclusive t-shirt club for Revelations, not just a shirt but a monthly delivery of shirts from an obscure media exclusive to a streaming platform that even die-hards are on the fence about.
Insane in the membrane…Slick
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