It’s kind of hard not to take rejection personally. Even though, most of the time it doesn’t have a whole lot to do with you. At least you hope so. There are usually a lot of mitigating factors, but it’s still a tough pill to swallow. Whether it’s something else or it really is you, it doesn’t change that you don’t get what you want. How do you deal with it? For me, it usually ends up in anger, self-doubt, and as apparent with the timing of this post, sleeplessness. The second one is the hardest to shake for me at least. This comes from an admittedly almost too-confident person. There’s just something about another person or persons saying they’ll pass that maybe should make you think. Are you one of the lucky ones that it doesn’t resonate with? Even better, are you completely oblivious to the world rejecting you?
I don’t think Mondo has faced much rejection in its storied history. Everything they do from posters, to wax, to what is possibly the best Battle Cat ever made seems to sell out. Well, except for their puzzles and tikis. Beyond product drops, I think the most immediate response you can garner is after a con. While at the con, people are all excited, but let the dust settle and you get some real reactions. Even after a second look, Star Wars killed it at MCM. While the announcements were light for Joe, Femtroopers and Shadow Tracker were crowd pleasers. I love Christmas and I love Optimus Prime, but who is buying a candy cane Prime, even if it is a new mold? Rejected!
Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggonit, people like me…Slick
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