Considering most of my posts are a kind of “ripped from the headlines” of my life approach, we’re going to focus on Support. Notice that’s Support with a capital S, not just everyday support. I’m referring to the people who are paid to help us when something goes wrong. Since I basically work in Support currently and have done so in the past, it amazes me how little Support people pay attention to. I get it, especially with chat that they are probably multi-tasking, they have metrics they have to meet, blah blah blah. Still, just pay a little more attention, please. I don’t know how many times I have chatted with professional Support for 30-45 minutes for them to say “Oh, I didn’t realize… (a very important detail explained to them in the beginning).” I try to approach my Support process with “treat people how you would like to be treated”. Maybe some people have just gotten used to being treated so badly that they don’t think they deserve to be treated better.
Can you feel the frustration with collectors nowadays? It’s either pricing, availability, or too much product. Almost everyone I know is cutting back or quitting altogether. It’s not stopping these companies. We still haven’t got our first big Classified vehicle. We just got done funding our second big vehicle, now we have a third coming our way. Transformers continues with a bevy of new exclusives. Same with Star Wars, but I ain’t mad at this EU Black Series multi-pack. While, still available, and relatively reasonable, it’s gotta be the price on some of these Power-Con exclusives that are making them hang around. Or, maybe there’s just too much MOTU out there to support 3rd Party.
Hope you’re treated well today…Slick
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