Wow, what a difference a couple of weeks and a whole lot less booze can do for your motivation, not to mention your home life. It’s like night and day. While I still do not have the output I hoped for, I’m getting there. It is so nice to feel accomplished, even if it is just baby steps. How are you doing with goals? As I am always fond of saying, every day is another chance to be a better you.
Toys continue to just get better and better. Man, have you seen the Classified Vamp in hand? What about the new Black Series Droideka/Destroyer Droid? Hoowee! Never thought I would say hoowee for an Orko, but Mondo’s has earned a hoowee! And one for my boy, Mr. Mark Haddock, this Legacy Gears. Hoowee!
I’m all revved up and ready to go…Slick
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