Life is hard enough by itself, let alone when people are actively trying to jeopardize you and yours. Now, I have a feeling that a lot of people feel active forces are working against them when, in reality, it’s just bad timing, luck, or whatever. However, people are shady to an extent that seems unfathomable to me, but I’ve seen too much to simply never question people’s motivations. Unfortunately, work seems to be where this is the most predominant. I have had multiple people work toward getting me out of my position so they can take it. Still, to this day, this blows my mind. I have always done what’s best for the people who work for me, trying to elevate them in the process. Yet these people saw their only opportunity was to usurp my position. My question is, how do people live with themselves?

It was pretty easy to pick the four biggest news stories for each franchise this week. These aren’t always the best or my favorites, but most of the time, they are. The HasLab Cantina is amazing, but is it what people really want? It will probably fund, but definitely not with any unlocked tiers. Classified collectors have spoken, and they want vehicles. I know I really want the Cobra Stinger. However, how many can you have at this scale? Here’s one primarily for me. At the opposite end of the scale, I’m loving these Transformers Blokee deskbots. Lastly, while Scare Mare may be the new hotness, Night Stalker was always my evil steed of choice.

I’m tellin’ y’all…Slick

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