by Slick McFavorite | May 2, 2016 | Open Your Toys Cast, StarFest
To quote one of my favorite shows right now, “welcome back for the first time”. Okay I may be a little biased, but is that so wrong? We’ve done SDCC more times than we count, Joecons, Botcons, even the new kid on the block, Denver Comic Con every...
by Slick McFavorite | May 9, 2013 | Open Your Toys Cast, StarFest
Hey, hey, hey, it’s con season and we got some reporting to do, and we are going to talk about a panel or two. You’ll have some fun now with me and the Mrs. here. Learning about StarFest while we drink some beer. Na, na, na, we had a good time. Na, na, na,...
by Slick McFavorite | Apr 28, 2009 | Open Your Toys Cast, StarFest
That’s right, just went to the best Mile High City con, TFCon was also this weekend, next week is Canadian Joe Con, Botcon is less than a month away and we are getting very excited. Yes, we, even Mrs. McFavorite. My evil plans have come to fruition. Get Mrs....