Podcast Episodes
Find over ten years of episodes dedicated to the four greatest action figure franchises of the 80s and all time: Star Wars, Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Masters of the Universe.
Open Your Toys Cast Commentary: Batman (1989)…
Batmaaaaaan! Batmaaaaaan! Batmaaaaaan! Batmaaaaaan! Batman! Batman! Batman! Batman! Batman! Batman! Da da da da da da da da da da da da da! Batmaaaaaan! Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 309: So Far, So Good…
Well, a month in and I'm doing pretty good with my goals. I'm still not performing at the level I want but I'm consistently getting stuff posted and sold. Not just toys but stuff around the house that we never use. It feels good that I can get this done. It's just so...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 308: Too Busy Motivating…
I'll catch you next time...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Amazon Podcasts Download the .mp3 (2:06 / 120.9 MB) Follow along with the show...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 307: New Year, New Me, Maybe…
How many times have I said it? Is it real this time? I don’t really have an option anymore. It’s either going to be real or there’s going to be a big problem. I’ve had emergency parachutes and surprise reprieves, but that’s not happening this year. I either sink or...
Open Your Toys Cast Commentary: He-Man & She-Ra: A Christmas Special…
Love and caring, peaceful bliss... Joys of sharing, happiness... Christmas spirit's in the air, Eternia and everywhere. Don't you feel it? Feel that you're a part? Christmas season is a time of your heart. Well, it's a wonderful time of the year, everyone has lots of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 306: Ho, Ho, Ho…
It's the most wonderful time of the year. No, not the holidays, the sales. Oh my god, there have been so many sales. And, they have been amazing this year. From the now standard Hasbro Pulse 35% off sale, Target's $25 off a hundy, to Walmart blowing out its...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 305: Better Call a Wambulance…
Lil Ms. McFavorite is in a phase where she whines constantly. She whines when we ask her to do something, when we tell her we’re going somewhere, basically anytime we bring something up, that doesn’t make her 100% happy. It’s almost comical at this point. It drives...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 304: It’s a Celebration…
For those who don’t know, I coach Special Olympics on Sundays, usually right before the show. Today is the last practice of our bowling season. Due to a very generous donation to Special Olympics Colorado, for the first time, I’m going to be able to have a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 303: Represent, Represent…
What do you represent? Are you just a toy collector? I assume you have other interests as well. Do you represent a group of people, a geographical location, or maybe just some other interest? I hope so. Everybody needs something they stand for. I rep the 505 (New...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 302: I Must Be Getting Old…
I have to admit I totally forgot to post this episode. All of my reminders and tracking methods failed me. I didn't even notice until I was adding the episode for tomorrow. Mrs. McFavorite and I have a big date night tonight, so I have to make this quick. Definitely...
Open Your Toys Cast Commentary: The Transformers: The Movie…
Transformers! Something evil's watching over you Coming from the sky above And there's nothing you can do Prepare to strike, there'll be no place to run When you're caught within the grip Of the evil Unicron Transformers More than meets the eye Transformers Robots in...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 301: New Phone, Who Dis…
I am typing this while I set up my first new phone in probably more than ten years. I keep up with the times, and I have had “new to me” phones passed down from Mrs. McFavorite. She’s the phone junky of the family. This is the first [queue opening music] “Aaaaahhhhh…”...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 300: Speechless…
I truthfully never thought we would still be going after 15+ years and now 300 episodes. I can’t thank my fellow co-hosts, guest hosts, listeners, and especially my loving wife enough. It has been amazing. Even if we didn’t record or broadcast, I would still need to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 299: Back to School…
So, it's Lil' Miss McFavorite's first week of middle school. I should probably change that to just Miss McFavorite, especially since she's taller than her mom, even though Mrs. McFavorite won't admit it. No, she's not in 6th grade; she's actually in 7th grade. For...
Open Your Toys Cast Commentary: G.I. Joe: The Movie…
Crashing through the sky Comes a fearful cry Cobra! (Cobra!!!) Cobra! (Cobra!!!) Armies of the night Evil taking flight Cobra! (Cobra!!!) Cobra! (Cobra!!!) Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide Panic spreading far and wide Who can turn the tide? G.I. Joe (A real American...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 298: SDCC 2024!…
Since I'm behind on getting these posted, I'm going to skip the insight into my life. That's usually the first paragraph of each post. However, I will say what my favorite things were from each franchise. While the Rattler is amazing and already backed, my favorite...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 297: Crashing Through the Sky…
It’s going to be one of those weeks. So, I’m going to bow out of writing this time around. We have tested our technology for doing the G.I. Joe: The Movie commentary, and we’re going to do it live. Listen to our next show for details. Comes a fearful cry...Slick...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 296: Expert Level…
How many things are you an expert at? Now, there will always be people who know more, but do you think you know more than the next hundred people? How about the next ten thousand or the next million people? I tend to dabble in a little bit of everything, so there are...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 295: It’s a Sabotage…
Life is hard enough by itself, let alone when people are actively trying to jeopardize you and yours. Now, I have a feeling that a lot of people feel active forces are working against them when, in reality, it’s just bad timing, luck, or whatever. However, people are...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 294: Doomed To Repeat It…
Why is it that you really don’t start getting interested in history until you get older? Yeah, you’re taught history throughout school, but unless you become a history buff, it doesn’t seem like people dig history until they’re much older. That is especially true with...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 293: It Seems Impossible…
It never is...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts Subscribe through Amazon Podcasts Download the .mp3 (2:43 / 156.8 MB) Follow along with...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 292: Humility, Do You Have It…
I've always been low-key humble. What do I mean by low-key? I've always taken pride in my accomplishments and never shied away from recognition, but I have never sought it. When presented with compliments and even just acknowledgment, I smile, say thank you, and show...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 291: Keep On Keeping On…
I'm not really feeling writing right now, but I'll be back. You keep doing you. Just keep on swimming...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 290: Setting Expectations…
One of the most important things you can do in this world is to set expectations, whether with your kids, co-workers, or even your friends. Setting a standard of behavior from you that people can depend on helps foster stable and tranquil relationships. However, one...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 289: April Fools…
I was supposed to write this post on April Fools' Day. You can see how well that went. I guess it works. I'm writing this two days after April Fools and giving it that title. See, I tricked you. What I don't think major companies are doing anymore is trying to trick...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 288: Let’s Get This Paddy Started…
You know how I do...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts Subscribe through Amazon Podcasts Download the .mp3 (2:55 / 168.1 MB) Follow along...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 287: Cost Versus Convenience…
It’s the time-old question: do you have more money than time or more time than money? Do you eat out more than cook at home? Do you do delivery or pick things up yourself? What are the things that you sacrifice your hard-earned money for even a modicum of convenience?...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 286: The Lesson of War…
Four years ago, I had a catastrophic injury to my ankle. It caused me to be resigned to the couch for over two months. I spent a lot of that time watching documentaries. Most of them were war-related. We have all seen the Hollywood movies, but the actual footage from...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 285: Hey, Ho, Let’s Go…
Wow, what a difference a couple of weeks and a whole lot less booze can do for your motivation, not to mention your home life. It's like night and day. While I still do not have the output I hoped for, I'm getting there. It is so nice to feel accomplished, even if it...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 284: One Day at a Time…
How are your resolutions going? Mine? Don't ask. However, every day is a new day. Every day is a new opportunity to do what we need to do. Every new day is a chance to be a better you. Outside influences may make our goals more difficult, but that doesn't mean things...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 283: New Year, New Me, Maybe…
I've talked about change, motivation, and getting things done too much. It's time to put up or shut up. Believe...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 282: It’s Always Messy…
So it's the holidays again. I can't remember the last time I had one that went smoothly. I get it; it's over a month of family, friends, and obligations, but is it that hard? Is it really that hard to be around the people you love, or at least you say you love? It is...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 281: HISS Mania…
That HISS drop hit like a bomb. I haven't seen so many collectors so happy about something in a long time. I have only seen a couple of people complaining, and it was just minor gripes sandwiched with praise. Now me, I haven't even opened mine yet. What are you...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 280: Moral of the Story…
I saw this meme the other day, and it made me think of one of my favorite memes. The meme I saw went, “Become OK with being the villain in someone else’s story even if you weren’t. Never forget people will turn you into whatever it is they need you to be so that their...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 279: The Frustration with Support…
Considering most of my posts are a kind of “ripped from the headlines” of my life approach, we’re going to focus on Support. Notice that’s Support with a capital S, not just everyday support. I’m referring to the people who are paid to help us when something goes...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 278: Busy, Busy, Busy…
I meant to save a bunch of time and do a really well-thought-out reflection of our 15th Anniversary show. Well, you see how well that worked out...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through...
Open Your Toys Cast Discussion: 15th Anniversary…
(mic drop)...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts Subscribe through Amazon Podcasts Download the .mp3 (3:21 / 193.7 MB)
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 277: Do You Know What Today Is…
Maybe not today. I don’t really even know the exact day. But, about 15 years ago, Mrs. McFavorite did our first “pilot” episode of Open Your Toys Cast. I dare you to listen to it. I can’t even imagine how bad it is. Not that in those 15 years, we’ve become some highly...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 276: Can’t Put It Off Any Longer…
I have been putting off writing the post for days now. It's the only thing standing in my way of putting something else off. Why are there things I just don't want to do? They're not even difficult. It's not like yard work or helping someone move. It's just sitting...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 275: Labor Day…
Why is it that I am constantly laboring on Labor Day? We just spent 3 hours doing yard work. That was after camping for the second time in so many weeks. Setting up and tearing down camp is always crazy laborious. The one thing I can skip is writing about it. Now you...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 274: The Great Outdoors…
I take for granted that everyone goes camping. I grew up doing it and have continued to go my entire life. While we don't go nearly as often as I would like, we manage to go at least a couple of times a year. The older I get, the more I have come to understand that...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 273: SDCC 2023…
It was a last-minute call, but I am so glad we got a chance to do an official SDCC show. Man, what a con it was too. If you were still under any misconception that toys are for kids, this show should have proved that we are the target demographic for these toy...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 272: New Podcast, Who Dis?…
No time for the usual. SDCC is on fire and we're going to do an impromptu show tomorrow to yak about it. See you sooner rather than later...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 271: The End of the Road…
I don't even know how to start this post. Unfortunately, we are dealing with the loss of our amazing Ruthie Goosie. She has been the backbone of our family for over 15 years. Through everything we have gone through, she has always been there for all of us. Especially...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 270: The Shit Show, Part 2…
It's funny, when I come up with a less-than-unique title, I always search to see if I've used it before. I think this is like the second or third time it has happened. Each time the new show mirrors how I was feeling at the time of the previous show. While I never...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 269: Don’t Worry, Be Happy…
I heard this song again the other day. Man, it just makes me feel good every time I hear it. I loved it when I was a kid and still do. I talk about things being visceral so often it almost loses its gravitas, but it shouldn't. When something invokes a physical feeling...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 268: Summer, Summer, Summertime…
For us in The States, this weekend marks the unofficial beginning of summer. We have a family date day tomorrow. This weekend we'll set up our pool and garden. Ending it all with a BBQ. It doesn't get more American than that. How do you celebrate the coming of the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 267: Bad Habits…
It was one of those weeks. A lot of bad habits and not nearly enough good. I'm going to keep this short so I can get onto my good habits. However, I want to check in with everybody. Are your good habits winning? Are the bad habits creeping in? Either way, just keep on...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 266: I’m Hooked on a Feeling…
The feeling I am hooked on is accomplishment. I've been killing it lately if I do say so myself. Thank god in about a month most of my volunteer obligations are done for the summer. I look forward to continuing to accomplish things. Money is getting a little tight so...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 265: It’s Time to Party…
No time to talk, we have a very special guest star making an appearance at Casa de McFavorite. Peace...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 264: Everybody, Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales, Sales…
I just spent the first part of my Sunday morning saving more than $100 on toys I've already bought. While this may be frowned upon, I feel it's just being an informed consumer. I spend time being cognizant of prices and tracking prices, purchase dates, etc., to be...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 263: Never Going to Give You Up…
I keep trying. And I mean trying hard but it's not happening. I try this, I try that. Things just get in the way. And in the way. And in the way. I know it will get better. At least that's what I keep telling myself. However, how long do you keep telling yourself...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 262: Benders, I’ve Had a Few…
The last couple of days have been a little bit of a blur. Yesterday would have been my mom's 71st birthday. I don't know why I celebrate her birthday by getting drunk. She divorced my dad because he was an alcoholic. She would only have a glass of wine every once in a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 261: Longest. Show. Ever. I Think…
While this won't be my shortest post ever, it'll be close. I still have to do the show notes for tomorrow's show. I don't know how weekly shows do this stuff. While I'll keep my "deep thoughts" for the next post, I still want to highlight my favorite things from this...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 260: Progress, I’ve Made Some…
Hey, I finally made some progress. Not just on my space, but on my new website. I will soon be launching SlickMcFavoriteToys.com. There's not much to see right now. Just the classic "Hello World" message, but within a couple of days I should be able to start listing...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 259: Regrets, I’ve Had a Few…
Well, it's three weeks into the new year and I haven't done anything in regard to toys except organizing and opening them. What's crazy is I can vividly remember feeling the same way last year. While I am super busy, I'm not that busy. Why isn't this getting done?...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 258: All Work and No Play…
No time for diatribes today. I'm a dull boy...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (3:05 / 177.6 MB)...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 257: Snow Day…
It's official, it's a snow day here in Denver. While not officially, because school is actually out right now, it's enough to go sledding and that's all that matters to Lil' Miss McFavorite. While a pretty big pain in the ass, it's not nearly as bad as going...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 256: Procrastination, Part 2…
Since I've been doing these posts for 14 years now, I sometimes search my own posts to see if I've written about something before or possibly used the same title. Lo and behold, I wrote a post six years ago called Procrastination. Interestingly, it was right about...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 255: Winter Wonderland…
Well, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. Well, I guess it isn't frightful. Just a couple of inches, but it is cold as hell. 6 degrees as I write this, but it's supposed to be sunny and in the 40s tomorrow. We hit the 60s yesterday and in...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 254: Rejection…
It's kind of hard not to take rejection personally. Even though, most of the time it doesn't have a whole lot to do with you. At least you hope so. There are usually a lot of mitigating factors, but it's still a tough pill to swallow. Whether it's something else or it...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 253: Busy, Busy, Busy…
It's been a helluva 2 weeks. No time to talk...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (2:57 / 170 MB)...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 252: Investments…
If you have any investments you've probably seen them take a hit this year. A hit may not really capture it accurately. I don't like to use profanity too much when I write, but a shit is much more apropos. Whether you invest in crypto, the market, or real estate, it's...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 251: Customer Service…
I think when we hear the words customer service, it reminds us of horrible experiences that cost us time, money, and/or sanity. Today I got to experience all three on both sides of the interaction. I got to experience the frustration of a rep repeatedly not answering...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 250: It’s Kinda a Big Deal…
Two-hundred and fifty kind of seems like a big deal when you type out but is it really? Sure it's been almost 15 years since we started talking toys. My collecting has gone completely haywire in that time. Now, I want to get rid of stuff, a lot of stuff, but I have no...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 249: Everything Old Is New Again…
I've seen it twice this week on our wee little family group on the Foosbook. Posts showing nearly 100% retro-style toy hauls. Some unreleased, some redeco homages, but all totally amazing. They definitely know how to hit us in the feels nowadays. Considering I've been...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 248: SDCC 2022…
It was an actual Comic-Con for the first time in a long time. The displays were there. Well mostly. There was drama about exclusives. There were some amazing reveals. Then there's the hate. Yup, it was all back. It felt amazing. I just love talking about this stuff in...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 247: So Much Fun…
Man, I'll tell you what. While collecting has lost some luster for me, talking toys is more fun than ever. Our hobby has gotten a little out of control. I'm getting multiple boxes every day. It's overwhelming. There are only a few things I'm even a completist about...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 246: Crunch Time…
I really haven't had a lazy summer per se, but man, it is about to get insane for the McFavorites. We are christening a little new-to-us fishing boat. Our first boat ever. We have a birthday trip for Mrs. McFavorite to either Vegas or Seattle to plan. Lil Miss...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 245: Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut…
I have been so lazy the last few days. Not really feeling doing the whole writing thing. I need to catch up on real life. Sometimes you don't...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 244: Hello, My Name Is…
This week let's talk about alter egos. So I think I came up with Slick McFavorite back when everyone was trying to be anonymous on the Internet. It literally stems from a porn name conversation I had with my friends in my 20s. It's served me well through the years. It...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 243: Genius in Hindsight…
I am going down a crazy documentary phase lately. Working from home allows me to watch just about anything while I work. I did the same thing during the pandemic with war documentaries. However, instead of accounts of horrific world tragedies, I've been going down a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 242: Thank You for Your Support…
Since our shows run so long, I don't often get a chance to really thank all of you that come out to support the live show on a regular basis. Whether you stop by, have us on in the background, or are mad active in the chat, we appreciate it so much. We would be...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 241: Everybody is Doing It…
I don't know if peer pressure was coined in the 80s, but I know I heard a lot about it growing up. People were going to peer pressure you to drink, do drugs, have sex, and just about any other bad thing you can think of. It was true too, at least with my friends. Man,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 240: Feedback…
I've found that people take feedback in two distinctly different ways. Constructive and critical. I've always viewed those as one and the same. It really just depends on how you view them. That can depend on who they're coming from, the tone, and even the words they...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 239: Double Double…
Last week we talked about value in regard to current pricing. It really got me thinking. We went to In-N-Out here in Colorado for the first time. It's been years since we have been in California and so it has been years since we've got a Double Double (Animal-Style...
Open Your Toys Cast Discussion: Value…
What started off as a discussion on the soaring prices of toys turned out to be more of a referendum on value. What value to find in your toys? Are they investments, just for fun? Are you like me, it's a hobby and I love them. If I or my family get some money for them...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 238: Not Tonight…
Really not feeling writing right now and this is something on my to-do list. Going to keep it simple. Peace...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 237: What’s Your Limit…
We had a helluva toy week, man news like crazy. I think the lead got buried, unfortunately. The price hikes. Yikes! We touch on it casually, but what's your limit? How much are you willing to pay for 4 inches, 6, 7, 12 inches of plastic? A little less noticeable, but...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 236: A Sight of the Times…
I had my first eye exam ever this week. It was eye-opening :), to say the least. I've always prided myself on having 20/20 vision, especially since every single person on both sides of my family has required glasses. Well a couple of months ago, looking at things up...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 235: Another Long One…
Another 3 hours plus. I am really growing to love these long shows. I think my only regret is not getting more time to just talk with the guys "off the record". While I love talking toys, we have some amazing off-air discussions too. However, when the show runs long...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 234: This Is The End, Beautiful Friend…
After our shortest show in years follows one of the longest. For good reason. We cover the new 1099 rule that has gone into effect starting at the beginning of this year. Any Goods and Services transactions on payment platforms (PayPal, Venmo, etc.) totaling more than...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 233: The Definition of Insanity…
Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." I think everyone should know that by now, but I never knew it was Einstein that said it. Truer words for me have never been spoken. I can't...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 232: Not Feeling the Joy…
I just had two $1000 weekends in a row. The first was for our anniversary. We stayed at the most luxurious hotel I have ever been to. It is one of the top 10 hotels in the country. Their "Hall of Fame" includes every president in the last 50 years and almost every...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 231: The Boys Are Back In Town…
I really needed yesterday. Yes, I said yesterday. I am actually getting this out the next day for what I think is the second time in 13 years. It had been a rough couple of weeks for multiple reasons. Especially when you have a family, sometimes you just need some...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 230: It’s That Time of Year…
One of the reasons I’ve been so busy was my uncle passed away a few months ago and I’ve been handling his estate. He’s estranged from the rest of the family and never married or had kids. He only had a couple of friends from years ago that he barely spoke with. So...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 229: Put Up or Shut Up…
As I might have mentioned a few hundred times, I have been crazy busy. However, it's about to slow down just in time for the holidays. Thank god. However, with the rest of my obligations, it's still going to be crazy. Mrs. McFavorite starts a new job tomorrow, so that...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 228: Quality Time…
Time has been in short supply lately. That's why I love moments like this. I'm sitting here with my daughter watching her first slasher movie. I guess not her first because she watched Fear Street on Netflix, without permission I might add. If you haven't seen it,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 227: Getting Shit Done…
I have been getting so much stuff done it's ridiculous. None of it seems to be making me any money, but it's a lot of shit. Since it went out 25 days ago, you might be able to tell I've been a little busy since the last cast. After Thursday (our school's Harvest...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 226: Visceral…
I've gotten used to throwing on movies I've seen a hundred times while I put out the show. That is if it's not football season, then I'll watch a game or two. I'm still keeping up pretty well, so I'm caught up on my foosball. I'm watching Thrashin' right now. If...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 225: Quick Like Bunny…
I think this may be the fastest I've ever got a show out. I've just been motivating like crazy today. I'm excited to get back to posting some toys for sale. So if you haven't yet, check out my items for sale at https://ebay.com/usr/jasonspiller. If you click the link...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 224: The Ebb and Flow…
Last time on Open Your Toys Cast, The Blog, I wrote about being caught up. Well, then it was Mrs. McFavorite's birthday. Then my daughter's birthday. For birthdays, we don't just celebrate just one day, but we each get a whole weekend. Now the first day of school is...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 223: All Caught Up…
I can't believe it. Now, I'll never really be completely caught up because I have literally hundreds of projects I would love to accomplish. However, you can tell I've got most everything off my immediate to-do list if I'm getting the show out in only 3 days. I even...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 222: Always An Adventure…
In our family, things always tend to turn into an adventure. Sometimes it is just a happy-go-lucky string of incidents that makes things a little more interesting. Other times it's a complete and utter shit show. So saying something is an adventure is our way of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 221: Can’t Take It Back…
Have you ever done something you can't take back? I get it, you can't really take anything back. I guess I'm more referring to something that you can't be forgiven for. Essentially a forever something. Now, how about you doing it three times. I know, what!? Not the...
Open Your Toys Cast Discussion: State of Collecting 2021…
Again, nothing fancy this time, just a good long discussion about collecting in 2021. See you next time...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through Apple Podcasts Subscribe through Google Podcasts...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 220: Rekindling and the Hunt…
Sorry for the delay in posting the show. That coupled with us skipping a show means some of you haven't heard from us in over a month. To eliminate any delays, we encourage you to kick it with us live on YouTube every other Sunday. As much as I missed talking toys,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 219: I Think We’re Alone Now…
I’ve always liked being alone. I think it comes from being an only child of a single mother. It’s been increasingly difficult to find time to be alone during the pandemic and there are only three of us. However, no matter how much I would love some time to myself, I...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 218: …
...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google Podcasts Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (2:26 / 140.1 MB) Follow along with the show notes
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 217: Even Less…
Winner for brevity... This guy...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google Podcasts Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (2:25 / 139.7 MB) Follow along with the show...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 216: Can’t Talk Now…
One of the main differences I've noticed with the pandemic entering its second year is my tolerance for small talk has just about been exhausted. And not the small talk with a rep on the phone or a clerk in a store. I actually still really enjoy that. No, it's the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 215: Too Much Sleep…
The last time around I talked about having too much going on. That usually manifests itself in me getting less sleep. However, that is a good thing, for me at least. I just can't seem to thrive with 8 hours of sleep. I just feel tired all day. Now give me 4-6 hours,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 214: Too Much Going On…
Man, it has been a helluva last two weeks. I have been working 12-hour days between investor preparations, our largest school fundraiser yet, and planning and promoting the tech meetup I organize. No time to open toys, barely time for keeping up with email and the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 213: Cutting Corners…
We have been motivating like crazy around the McFavorite household. It has a lot to do with not drinking, but also with something else. That something else is me lowering my expectations of everything I do. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. So much so, it...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 212: Age is Just a Number…
Today I get to watch two of the oldest quarterbacks (2nd and 3rd) to play in a playoff game go head to head. It has the possibility of being one of the best playoff games of the year. It's even better because I've been following one of them for 14 years and the other...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 211: Same Shit, Different Year…
People that actually read these things know change or lack thereof is kind of a theme over the years. In 12 years I haven't changed very much even though I've really wanted to. There are also things in my life I wish I could change. Unfortunately, I have less power...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 210: Have a Ho Ho Horrific Time…
It's that time of year again. We've been marathoning through our regular list of Christmas movies. Classics like A Christmas Story, Scrooged, Elf, Christmas Vacation, the Holiday Special, Polar Express, The Muppets Christmas Carol, and other family favorites. Then...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 209: It’s Our Anniversary…
Well, it's not the show's anniversary. We blew by it a couple of months ago. It was our 12th. It's Mrs. McFavorite's and my anniversary. We've been married for 14 years and together for 20. It's astonishing when I think of the commitment involved. The love, the hurt,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 208: Everybody Was Kung Flu Fighting…
Alright, I hesitated using such a divisive term in the title. However, probably with the same zeal and unfortunately similar success of one of my favorite shows, "It's okay, I'm taking it back". I like using music lyrics for titles and come'on that's just funny....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 207: VOTE…
I know, you've heard it enough. I know I have, especially because we voted over a week ago. So if you're one of the over one hundred million people (almost 70% of 2016's entire turnout) that have voted early, we just get to kick back and see what happens. If you...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 206: Parody vs. Satire…
Since we're in the witching season, I've been watching a lot of horror. And I mean A LOT of horror. I think one of the best things about the genre is its ability to build upon itself with parody and satire. Nothing like a good laugh, especially from an inside joke,...
Open Your Toys Cast Discussion: Selling…
Nothing fancy this time, just a good long discussion about selling. See you next time...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google Play Music Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (2:31...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 205: There’s Always Something…
Anybody following the show for some time knows I struggle with motivation. Not for the things I actually want to do, like collecting toys, being a Special Olympics coach, even being president of my PTA. However, when it comes to selling toys, even as they stack up in...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 204: You Can’t Always Get What You Want…
Well, the first, and hopefully the last, Pulsecon has come to a conclusion. And similar to their previous efforts, the panels were pretty good, but the pre-orders sucked. Especially the Target ones, once again. I was on shit this time and got almost everything I...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 203: Hoarder Status…
Mrs. McFavorite and I spent our Labor Day weekend laboring. We were able to fill a 30 cubic yard dumpster. For those not great at math, that's 22' long, 8' wide, and 6' high. We could probably fill another too. During that debacle, it was painfully obvious I have too...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 202: Nostalgic for Nostalgia…
I have been on a bit of nostalgic kick since this whole pandemic thing started. However, I'm too lazy to dig into my archives, so it's been whatever I can find on the ridiculous amount of streaming services we subscribe to. I've come across a slew of movies that...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 201: The Cost of Frugality…
I have long preached about my incessant need to be cost-conscious. Or, as my wife would call it, insanely cheap. Just like that hard to secure pre-order or that find in the wild, I get a little serotonin hit when I get a good deal. Sometimes I buy things just because...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 200: Time Flies…
It was 12 years and one day ago that Mrs. McFavorite and I announced we would start a podcast. 2 months later Open Your Toys Cast was born. I meant to have this out yesterday so I could say "12 years on this day", but as the title implies, time certainly moves faster...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 199: Are We There Yet…
I can't believe we're almost to 200. Can you? See you at the bicentennial...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google Play Music Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (2:05 / 120.5 MB)...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 198: Copyright Smopyright…
So I took a chance on this show. It was something I've done a hundred times before in the independently released audio-only version. I played a trailer for a show during Grab Bag. I guess the sound was so bad the crew had to narrate what was going on. Well only 12...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 197: The One With The Imports…
This week we welcome AliasAngelAlias to walk us through perhaps the coolest virtual con yet, Tamashii Nation's 2020 Virtual Reality Exhibition. This just absolutely blew my mind. You really owe it to yourself to check it out. Even if import toys aren't your thing, the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 196: Today We Celebrate Our Independence Day…
I think it's absolutely astonishing that on this 4th we are the most divided we have ever been with maybe the exception of the Civil War era. I purposely steer way clear of politics outside of the ridiculous amount I get from the news. While Mrs. McFavorite has dived...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 195: Too Much To Do…
This is super late and I still have a lot to do. So I'll just leave this here. See you in a couple of days...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google Play Music Listen on Stitcher Radio...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 194: Control Freak…
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." This is one of my most favorite quotes or prayers in this case. I was first exposed to this in high school as part of a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 193: Just One of Those Days…
When you want to be all alone...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google Play Music Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (1:51 / 106/8 MB) Follow along with the show...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 192: Ya Know…
Remember when I said I wouldn't be doing much with these posts sometimes once we went weekly? Well, this is one of those times. Enjoy the show...Slick Watch Video on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 191: I’m Sorry, I’m Really Bad at This…
If you're part of the group and listen to the show, then you probably have realized I'm horrible at remembering who posts what. Especially because I really do care, this always makes me feel awful. I read every post in the group. I respond to most. The ones I don't...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 190: To One-Sixth Or Not To One-Sixth…
This time around we get a deep dive into the one-sixth scale and more specifically, Hot Toys. We welcome Chris Leddy from the Sixth Scale Scavengers. He, along with Lotus, give the inside scoop on high-end 12-inch figures and what that community thinks about the new...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 189: I’m Sick…
If there are two words Mrs. McFavorite hates to hear it's I'm sick. It basically means I'm going to be a whiney bitch for 3-5 days. Since this is like 5 days late, no introspective prose, no favorite news items from each franchise, just episode 189. See you in a few...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 188: The New Normal…
No big post this time as I have quite a bit to do today. These posts may get a little less introspective and a little more utilitarian. It will just depend on how I'm feeling. So spend less time reading these, and more time joining us for the show. If you're...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 187: Video Killed the Radio Star…
Well, we're on track with our releases. This one went a little longer as we had a very special guest host. But man, I am loving this format. It's just so much fun. I really hope we can get some more participation, especially from the group. It's amazing to have people...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 186: And The Band Played On…
Can you believe it? A new episode in just over a week? That episode being less than 2 hours? And we have started doing a live video stream? We hope this brings you a little extra joy in a time when we are increasingly needing it. Whether you have been laid off or...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 185: Brave New World…
And just like that, we are now officially a live streaming video podcast. Still extremely rough as I learn how to run the show while doing the show. However, not too shabby if I say so myself. Thanks to Lotus we have brought the cast into the modern age. This has tons...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 184: From Hysteria to Pandemic…
Wow, was I way off the mark on the last post. I griped about people making a big deal of a strong flu. Well, it turns out its 10 times more contagious and 10 times more deadly. Now, most restaurants and bars are closed. My county just issued a stay at home order. Lil...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 183: A Study of Hysteria…
If you haven't noticed our country has gone full-on hysteria mode. I've been doing some hunting over the last couple of weeks and the stores look like a hurricane or 100-year blizzard is coming. And not just a few, ALL of them. Now I'm a big headline reader and mainly...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 182: Toy Fair Extravaganza…
I have to say that it was a pretty good Toy Fair. Nothing jaw-dropping amazing, but consistent. As usual, most things were spoiled in some form or fashion ahead of time. However, some things caught us unaware. How about the vintage reissues of the Ghostbusters? That...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 181: It’s Just a Game…
If you're a basketball fan, then you may have guessed that I'm writing this while watching the NBA All-Star Game. It's probably the first time in 10 years I have sat down and watched the entire All-Star Weekend. It's amazing to see people at this caliber just have...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 180: Get the Feels…
As I sit here and type this, I'm watching one of my favorite movies of all-time, Red Dawn. Not necessarily one of the best movies, but it's steeped in nostalgia for me. It's one of the first movies I remember seeing in theaters. It has snow warfare, which I love. It...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 179: Too Much…
So tonight Mrs. McFavorite and I were looking for something to watch. We have broadcast stuff that airs weekly and then we usually have 30 and 60-minute shows we are marathoning. Well, broadcast stuff is just starting to come back from the holidays and we just...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 178: 2020…
For some reason, the number 2020 seems so much more futuristic than 2019 or any of the 2000's except for maybe 2000 itself. Even just seeing it in the title makes me feel like I'm in the future. Now that we got here, when is the next major milestone 2030, 2040? I say...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 177: Everything in Moderation…
One of my favorite fortunes from a cookie goes as follows, "Everything in moderation, including moderation." I love this saying. It's a great rationale for going full bore and for pulling back when things get a little out of hand. My life has pretty much followed this...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 176: Happy Holidays…
It's that time of year again. At least stores want you to think that. Now don't get me wrong, I am Christmas fanatic. Mrs. McFavorite has tempered things somewhat, as she was never a big Christmas person as an adult. Especially with my birthday several days before...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 175: I Did Something, I Did Something…
Well, I finally got off my ass and did something. It feels so damn good. Not only did I have a super-productive week on the project I'm working on, but I also sold almost $1K in toys. Granted they were some of my most scalpery stuff with the highest secondary market...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 174: Too Much…
I think a lot of people secretly would love to be in my place at least for a while. It seems like a dream, being on a permanent vacation. However, what really messes with your head is how much you feel like you have to do and the battling priorities. I have a big...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 173: Here I Go Again…
I've used a similar title before. I know, because I always double-check. I think it's because it's one of my favorite songs and if you haven't noticed I use a lot of song lyrics and titles for inspiration. However, it's extremely apropos now because, after only 7...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 172: Unforgettable…
I wish I could say that this episode was, but let's just say I was in rare form, especially towards the end. Not sure if it was the drinking or just because of nothing, really generating a lot of interest. Sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions. I...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 171: The Rock and Lotus and Peter Show…
Well, I didn’t expect for another show without me to be so forthcoming, but here we are. I'm personally excited. I get to listen to two Open Your Toys Casts in one month. With the holiday weekend falling on our recording weekend, these guys got to have a lot more fun...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 170: Status Quo…
Welcome back to the same'ole same'ole. As we ran through the news this week I couldn't help but think about the response we had to The Rock and Lotus show. For the longest time, we have been a news show. I started this show to get all the news from the 4 franchises in...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 169: The Rock and Lotus Show…
I never thought this day would happen. Of all the hosts we have had over the last 11 years. There have been many occasions where I was not able to record. I have always offered co-hosts the opportunity to run their own show. This even includes Mrs. McFavorite a couple...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 168: The More Things Change, the More Things Stay the Same…
So that yearly event that makes millions of people happy, sad, glad, mad, and almost every other emotion happened again. We, of course, talk about it and I mean TALK. Over 3 hours of all of those emotions rolled up into one beautiful episode for your listening holes....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 167: There’s No Substitute for It…
My mom worked her ass off. I always thought we were poor, but the truth was she was saving everything she could so that she could retire at 48. Being only 5 years from that mark it's absolutely mind-blowing that she was able to do that. While I inherited some of her...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 166: Why So Serious…
Is there something wrong with me? People all around me just seem to take everything a little too seriously. Is this a case of if you think everyone around you is an asshole, you're probably the asshole? Does my ability to laugh at myself, most situations, and maybe...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 165: Nope…
Okay, I sat down ready to do a full post, but nope. Nothing is wrong, in fact, things are great. I just don't want to spend a bunch time writing one right now. Had a weekend of 14 hours driving, non-stop family time and really just want to watch a movie and crash....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 164: Stuck Between a Rock and a Haddock Place…
Last time I got caught up in one of my personal rantings and totally forgot to officially welcome our new co-host. The mastermind behind Turd Party News and Rock the Farting Dad, the one and only R to the O to the C to the K! Not only is Rock back, but we're also...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 163: Almost Made It…
Have you ever been so close to achieving something just to have the rug pulled out from underneath you at the last minute? I've been a victim of self-sabotage in the past, but this time I was merely sticking up for what was right. Unfortunately, that meant giving up...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 162: Just One More Time…
I don't know how many times I have said those words. In different situations, different rationales, I just keep uttering them to myself. If just saying it could make it happen I couldn't even imagine the things I would have accomplished. See the things I say these...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 161: So Much For That…
I would love to have some statistics on how many of these I have written are downers and how many times things were going good. While not necessarily an accurate reflection on my life, it's more how I'm at the moment I start to write these. Being that it's usually...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 160: Too Much Good…
Is there such a thing as too much good? I guess because it's been such a shit show lately, I'm a little afraid that things are just going too good. You may have heard that I am working again. I started co-organizing a tech meetup and I just secured our next series of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 159: Oblivious: Part Dos…
Quite a few months ago I wrote about my indiscretions when it came to Mrs. McFavorite. I referenced how easy it to be oblivious to situations. I really thought that it was simply a matter of misinterpreting my intentions. It happens right, especially when you're...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 158: No, Not Toy Fair…
I know, based on the release of this episode it should be our Toy Fair episode. Unfortunately, it's not. We're hopefully recording that tomorrow. We actually recorded this two weeks ago. I have just been ridiculously lazy. No excuses. Just plain lazy. I haven't been...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 157: Pain, So Much Pain…
I don't know if you have ever been in a hospital or dealt with medical professionals in regard to pain, but they like to use a scale of 1 to 10. I had never broken a bone, been admitted to a hospital, let alone rode in an ambulance and been taken to the ER. Since we...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 156: A New Year, a New You…
What can I say? It is literally the most significant milestone of the year. A new year can mean whatever you want it to mean. Maybe this is the year you accomplish that goal you've been reaching for your entire life. It might be the initial start in a small effort to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 155: Stay in Your Lane…
I usually tend to be eternally optimistic. I don't even really have to try. It is just something that seemed innate. I was always proud of this and at the same time I was a little reluctant to really let it shine. This was primarily because of a few people close to me...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 154: I Just Can’t…
Not Today...Slick Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Subscribe through Google Play Music Listen on Stitcher Radio Download the .mp3 (2:39 / 76.7 MB) Follow along with the show notes
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 153: When is Enough…
So I have a friend. I know, the oldest story in the book right? A friend, right? But, no really, I have a friend that has a serious problem. They keep promising to get help. They even have gotten help in the past, but have just gone back their old ways. It's one of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 152: Not in the Mood…
Well after the build-up to the 10 years with episode 150. Then an absolutely amazing 10th-anniversary show. Now with the first show of our second decade, I'm just not feeling this blog post. It's gotta get done, but I'm much more interested in my Saints at 6 and 1...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 151: 10 YEARS…
Can you believe it? No, really, can you believe it? I can't. Mrs. McFavorite and I started this after being married just under two years. We have since celebrated our 10th anniversary, had a beautiful daughter, seen her take her first steps, speak her first words, and...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 150: Overshadowing…
Hey, we're at 150 episodes! Mrs. McFavorite is back! I am absolutely ecstatic. How could it get any better? Well, the next show is our 10th ANNIVERSARY! Can you believe it has been 10 years of talking toys? It has been and for some reason, it puts a little damper on...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 149: So Close…
Man, so close to getting it under 2 hours. I had such a good feeling about this one. Show notes only took my 30 minutes, it was just two of us, and still breached that 120-minute mark. Granted, it's all my fault, but man, so close. You know what else is close? Our...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 148: You Picked a Fine Time…
Timing is everything. I have some serious experience with bad timing, especially in the last couple of days. These instances are partly due to running late of which I am a maestro. However, it's more about behavior in situations, called for or not. I don't pretend to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 147: It’s About Time…
Sorry it's been almost a month. Especially considering this is our SDCC 2018 show, it seems like that was an eternity ago. However, I think it was worth the wait. It was really important for the whole crew to represent on what is still the biggest event for action...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 146: Vacation, All I Ever Wanted…
So for over 30 years, I thought the quintessential vacation song from the GoGos went, "Vacation holiday I want it // Vacation had to get away." It was only after double checking the lyrics for this post did I discover the correct version as reflected in the post...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 145: Motivation…
Where the hell is mine? It's been a year since I was laid off and still can't seem to find it. Every day I get stuff done, it just never seems to be the things I want, nay, need to accomplish. Selling toys, redesigning the site, redesigning a bunch of other sites,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 144: Let’s Get it Started…
As I reveal on the show, I have graduated from my Full Stack Web Development Immersive. 480 hours of in-class time with over 400 hours of homework in 3 months. It was no joke. I took a couple weeks off, but now its time to get serious. My only major obstacle is...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 143: Oblivious…
I tend to pride myself on being considerate... and, I mean to an annoying degree. That is why it is upsetting when people are less so. We experience this in many ways. When driving you should be making every attempt to not alter another driver's course. There are...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 142: I Love You Man…
There are all different kinds of love. Some so amazing they are life changing and some we just want to forget. Shared experiences can shape what kind of feelings you have for someone. Being part of a family or a job where you're on a close-knit team forces you to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 141: I Hate Wasting…
Insert whatever you want at the end of that title. I tend to think it's whatever we feel we don't have enough of or that we think we may run out of. That could be food, maybe water, even opportunities. There are some universals out there. I don't think anyone likes...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 140: Don’t Be Down on Yourself…
There are enough exterior forces in this world working against you. The last thing anyone needs is to contribute to them. Life is hard enough. Why would you ever want to help it by thinking you're anything but amazing? Now, of course, we have all things we would like...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 139: I Don’t Wanna Grow Up…
I can still remember vividly several trips to Toys"R"Us as a kid. Now, of course, I probably went there over a hundred times, but if you're like me there are just a handful of times that really stand out. One is very sad. I was 12 years old My grandma passed away...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 138: Why All the Hate…
Lately, negativity has just been really getting to me. I think it was a little easier to overlook it when my life was on an upswing. Now that my life is less than perfect, my sensitivity to it is magnified. I don't know if it's because I am trying my hardest to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 137: What’s Your Hurry…
So Toy Fair is this weekend and it always brings a rush of news. I remember being in that rat race. Not that we were ever a contender, but I still felt the pressure to get you guys news as fast as possible from the cons we frequented. There's something that feels so...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 136: Your Platform…
So there is a lot talk about using your platform. A platform can really be anything. It doesn't need to be a national stage. It can be something as simple as parenting your kids. It's an opportunity for your voice to be heard. What you do with that is key. There are...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 135: The Reckoning…
Finally, some progress. I spent all last week unsubscribing from emails. I turned off all my Facebook group notifications except for from friends and of course our group. Since I had not unsubscribed from email and more importantly, I had Facebook emailing me every...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 134: End of the Line…
Remember a couple of shows ago, I talked about a new site? Well as you can tell that hasn't happened. There has been a lot of other things that needed to get done, that just haven't got done. Every day I wake up, get Lil' Miss McFavorite ready, take her to school,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 133: Merry Kiss My Ass…
By that title, you might think this is another poor me post. Actually, I just think it's funny and if you can't smile at Christmas, when can you? I think I got that from my friend Carlos. His birthday is actually on Christmas. I thought I got a raw deal with the 21st....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 132: Incoming…
So this has been planned for the past year, but as with most things in my life, it just kept getting put off. Well after a couple of months of job hunting it is very clear I need to update my skillset. This will be my first real project (i.e. not a tutorial, online...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 131: In a Hurry…
Well, it happened again. Awhile back you heard me whine about losing my new iPhone. That was at the start of my unemployment. Well just as things are getting really tight around here financially, I did another dumb thing. As with my iPhone, I was rushing. This time I...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 130: Reality…
Sometimes the harshest mistress is reality itself. She is real and inescapable. Trust me, I've been running from her for months. Well, she has caught up with me and it's finally time to do what I need to do. You know what? It feels good. I think we can rationalize...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 129: Doomed to Repeat It…
Every year about this time I really regret not doing something more elaborate for Halloween. More elaborate decorations, more elaborate costume, just a more elaborate Halloween in general. After all, it is my second favorite time of year. For my first favorite,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 128: TFCon DC 2017…
Fuckers fuckers fuckers! Yeah, that's right, you heard me. I don't even like using profanity when I write, but in this instance, it serves two purposes. The first goes along with what I was saying in my last post. The sense of community was insane at TFCon and just...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 127: Community…
So this was supposed to be up about a week ago, but in retrospect I'm glad it wasn't. Why? Simply because what I witnessed this weekend was perhaps the greatest proof of why this so important. We have been meaning to start / promote our new Open Your Toys Group. The...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 126: Why the Hell are These So Long…
We have had a record-breaking lack of news for the last couple of shows. Even in light of some big cons, there just really hasn't been that much out there. So how the hell are we still at 3+ hours? Because we love this shit. I mean, LOVE IT! Even though the show has...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 125: In Harms Way…
When a storm was approaching Houston, a place where I have friends not too far away, I thought, "How bad could it be?" Then came the pictures and videos. Literally post-apocalyptic kind of stuff. Similar to Katrina, but what seemed to be in wide open spaces, like...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 124: Expectations vs. Reality…
So this is a little bit of an experiment. I am writing this first part just before we head out to view the great total eclipse of 2017. There are so many expectations. We have been planning this for months. It's our first full-on family trip with wife, daughter,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 123: I try so hard…
In this episode, we learn that I got laid off last month. Now while for a lot of reasons, this isn't the worst thing that could happen. However, it still is a little hit to my ego and starts a whole concern about money thing. It's slowed the toy buying thing, but not...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 122: Insane in the Membrane…
Well, I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we should be back to a more regular schedule after this episode. The bad news is that's because I was laid off last week. Yup, after ten years with my company we simply didn't have enough work to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 121: Andale, andale, arriba, arriba…
Here we go, hurry up, hurry up, let's go, let's go. It's summer time and it's time to hurry. There is lotsa stuff going on so not a lot of time to muse. I've brought it up before, but I think I need to harp on this. Empathy, please learn it, love it, live it! I think...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 120: Be Thankful…
Please remember to be thankful for the things that people do for you. From the small things like packing your lunch or serving you a burger, to much larger things like preserving your freedoms. It is Memorial Day after all. A day to remember those brave women and men...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 119: The Perfect Storm…
Sometimes there's a confluence of events that dictates the worst possible outcome. Welcome to our Toy Fair episode. Just under two months in the making, this should be our masterpiece. However, it is far from it. It is a cobbled together, multi-hour, mess of an...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 118: Under Pressure…
Have you ever felt under pressure? Of course you have. We all have. It's how you deal with it that matters. A lot of people fold. Some people mutter their way through it. Far fewer people shine. Who do you want to be? Sometimes it's as simple as just making a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 117: Own it…
It's been so long since we recorded this show, I can literally not remember what we talked about. However, I own that and I'm actually not too worried about it. Life happens and there are things that are so much more important. Things like health and happiness. These...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 116: Darkest before the dawn…
For some of us the future seems dim, for some of us it seems brighter than ever. For some this is the start of a new era, for some this is a start of a Brave New World. No matter where you fall, just understand everything is cyclical. Our world has a way of correcting...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 115: For Auld Lang Syne…
No, that title is not a long chain of typos. It's actually the name of that song people hum at midnight on New Year's. Basically it translates to "for the sake of old times". The page I lifted this information from puts it succinctly when it states, it...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 114: Procrastination…
Why do I do this every year? I mean EVERY year. That's not an exaggeration. Every year Mrs. McFavorite and I say next year will be different. Next year we WILL be done with Christmas stuff by now. Yeah, we literally just started. Now luckily I'm done with presents at...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 113: Ranting, Ranting, Ranted…
Yeah there's only two of us, big whoop, wanna fight about it? Nah, I didn't think so. Neither did we. We just want to talk toys and talk toys we do. And we talk about our childhoods, ex-girlfriends, movies we've seen and even politics. Okay, I really don't remember...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 112: Empathy, Sympathy…
It's a historical night, for good or bad. We are really close to knowing whether a misogynistic racist or a lying political insider will be the next most powerful person in the free world. I'm human, I take sides, however I always have empathy for the other side. I...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 111: The Cool Table…
One of my favorite shows just put out a special episode where they used the term "the cool table" to describe an inner circle. Crazy thing is most of them started on other shows, but they didn't feel like part of those cool tables. I'm sure all of us have felt what...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 110: The Shit Show…
I was listening to NPR the other day and they had an author on there that wrote a book called All That Man Is. Before the interviewer even had the chance to lob the softball of a question about the title, I knew he was being clever and it had a dual meaning. It has...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 109: Looking for the perfect episode…
So you say you're looking for the perfect episode? Well I mentioned it briefly in the past, but I think we do have a pretty amazing solution. Even on longer episodes like this we are done with all of the toy news by two hours. So if that is your thing, boom, listen to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 108: Misrepresenting the truth…
Have you ever lied? I think that is like asking have you ever breathed. Can anyone honestly say they have never lied or even say they haven't lied in the last month? There's lotsa different lies people tell. The nice ones like how somebody looks in something, cover...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 107: Humble Pie…
If you didn't know, I'm the "technical one" on the show. I always have been. Anytime something has gone wrong I try to figure out what happened and make sure it doesn't happen again. In almost 90 episodes with Mrs. McFavorite I had a relatively good track...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 106: Together Everyone Achieves More…
Last time we talked about doing shit. Well no matter how much stuff you can get done it doesn't compare to working with a team. However, that team only works if everyone pulls their weight. There's nothing worse than when you depend on people and they drop the ball....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 105: Busy, busy, busy…
It is definitely that time of year. There is just crazy amounts of stuff going on, work, the show, cons, Lil' Miss McFavorite, wife and life. I gotta say, I am killing it. However, it still seems like I'm not getting anything done. Do you know how good it feels to get...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 104: Back at it again with the long shows…
Yeah, I know. It's almost comical at this point. At least Mrs. McFavorite gets a kick out of it. Almost three and a half hours again. Unfortunately we lost the original 104, it was only 2 hours, I swear. It might be the for best as I was a little salty that night. So...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 103: Change. Now it’s time for change…
Nothing stays the same. Now it's time for change. As long time listeners are most likely aware, I'm not the biggest rock enthusiast. I have even made statements to the fact that I don't necessarily enjoy electric guitars. This is definitely an oversimplification and...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 102: Enough is enough, or is it…
We need your input. If you're a long time listener, you know my propensity for worrying about long shows. If you're a recent listener you know we have been doing REALLY long shows. I'm talking 3+ hours. This show in particular is probably our longest ever. I'm a big...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 101: StarFest 2016…
To quote one of my favorite shows right now, "welcome back for the first time". Okay I may be a little biased, but is that so wrong? We've done SDCC more times than we count, Joecons, Botcons, even the new kid on the block, Denver Comic Con every year since its...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 100: Enough Said…
100 bitch. Mic drop. Just kidding, you know that's not our style. Well, we finally made it. Only took us seven and a half years. The best part is while it's a little long (as usual), it's just a regular ole'show. No live broadcasts, no themes and no video. Just the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 099: Podcasts recorded on the Web, 99 podcasts recorded…
Record one more, put it on the Web. 100 podcasts recorded on the Web. A year and a half ago I never thought we would get this close. Not to jinx us, but it looks like this is going to happen. The best thing about 100 is Mrs. McFavorite will be back. Unfortunately she...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 098: Commitment, how many of us have them, uh, it…
I couldn't help myself, had to go back to the music references. If this is your first time reading my musings, you probably don't know that I really lean on music from my past for concepts. Even if you're a regular reader, you may have missed that these posts have a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 097: The OYT-Team…
In 2015 a crack podcasting unit was asked to revive a has been show for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly accepted against their will and escaped to the toy community underground. Today, still wanted by the listeners, they survive as podcasters of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 096: Fuck Big Bang…
I love these guys! I meant it, like family, already. The 3 hours we record every other week is quickly becoming some of my favorite time. Like family we don't always agree, but when we don't at least it's funny. What I especially appreciate is all the different...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 095: To Club or Not to Club…
Just because we have a new team, doesn’t mean we’re going to be any timelier, at least for now. I am really having a hard time turning over the reins of things I have always done to the new team. So you have no one to blame except for me about how late these shows...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 094: The Force Unwakens…
So there were a few things back in 1999 I thought I would never do. The first would be posting to the Web while I drive through the middle of nowhere Wyoming to see my family. Back then, I had just got my first cell phone and I was amazed that in a time of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 093: Guess who’s back…
I can't tell you how many times over the last year and half I thought I would write another one of these again. But, we're back, from outer space. We just walked in here without a sad look on our face...es, okay, it's a stretch. However, after that crazy hiatus, we...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 092: Friends, how many of us have them?…
At least ones we can depend on? I have preached about this before, but I think it's important to reiterate. One of my online homies and most favorite toy personalities, Jason Devall, preaches this constantly. Besides, if you're not in this for the camaraderie, I think...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 091: The Problem with Expectations…
As I sit here and type this I’ve got a little anxiety. See I was expecting to register for JoeCon today. More importantly, I’m trying to register for a Golden Ticket. That’s right I’m pulling a Justin Bell. Don’t get me wrong, there is no offense intended. Oh no, it...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 090: Toy Fair 2014!…
What's up? It has been a long time, this time for real, for really reals. It's been over 7 months. I know, it's crazy. Baby McFavorite is now officially Toddler McFavorite. My collecting has been going strong. I've been lurking on boards and still listening to casts....
SDCC 2013: Hasbro Star Wars
Panel starting now. You will need to refresh occasionally to see updates. Angry Birds Star Wars II Character evolutions Anakin and Padme shown Telepods - you scan characters into game and you can use them to launch Over 32 characters New toys coming Star Destroyer...
SDCC 2013: Mattypoloza Panel
You will need to refresh to get the updates. Missed DCUC due to arguing with security guards Just going over existing Watchmen figures Ghostbusters Ecto Goggles $110 Interacts with PKE Meter Sticker sheets Proton Wand $130 Lights and sounds with rumble Ecto 1...
SDCC 2013: Transformers Toy Panel
You need to refresh the page manually periodically to get updates. Going over the same Botcon releases Going over the simplification of the transformations for kids Constructbots App to build your own bots Contests voted on by fans (funniest, coolest, etc.) Will make...
SDCC 2013: Hasbro Beast Hunters Panel
This panel has started. Unfortunately the live blogging software is acting up. Will be posting updates here. Really proud they won 3 daytime Emmy's. SPOILERS... Bumblebee will talk Played a clip of his voice Will have a talking toy New movie Predacons Rising Zombie...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 088: San Diego Comic-Con 2013!…
In the same fashion as two years ago. It's 4 am, we leave for our flight in 12 hours. I still have to pack, send out BMF's first birthday invitations, put together our swag, clean out our back room for the in-laws, do a return and most importantly get some quality...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 087: Denver Comic Con 2013!…
Wow, just WOW! That was our initial reaction as we approached the Denver Convention Center on Friday for our first taste of the 2nd annual Denver Comic Con. As we neared the entrance I overheard a door person explaining that this was the beginning of the line and that...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 086: StarFest 2013!…
Hey, hey, hey, it's con season and we got some reporting to do, and we are going to talk about a panel or two. You'll have some fun now with me and the Mrs. here. Learning about StarFest while we drink some beer. Na, na, na, we had a good time. Na, na, na, your gonna...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 085: TOY FAIR 2013!…
Timely as usual. Here’s our Toy Fair coverage only a few weeks after the fact. You’ve heard everyone else chime in. You may have even heard some of our thoughts on Dave and Devall’s show, but now hear our opinions unedited, unmoderated and on our own show. This is one...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 084: Toy Fair 2013, PSYCHE (I know, its been done)…
I bet you thought this would be our Toy Fair episode and I think if we were any other podcast it would be. See my mom always taught me to finish what I started. We started this show about a week before Toy Fair and due to some unforeseen circumstances that we’ll...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 083: Be okay with yourself, okay…
Tomorrow is our 9th Annual Homie Christmas at Casa de McFavorite. You read that right, Homie Christmas. This post is not old, it is very very new. Homie Christmas is our yearly opportunity to kick it with our closest friends and “party like we used to”. When we first...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 082: Black Friday 2012…
Here's our fifth annual Black Friday cast. As your gorging on turkey and/or deals, remember as collectors we have hundreds, sometimes thousands of things to be thankful for. But, please do not forget to be thankful for the things that really matter, friends and...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 081: Taking a break…
If you saw my last post, you know I'm not really feeling these as of late. So I'm taking a break. We're not taking a break, just me in regard to writing posts to accompany the shows. I just need to want to do these and I right now I don't. FYI our 5th Annual Black...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 080: I am sick of writing these things…
Have you ever just gotten so sick of doing something you dread doing it. For some it might be yard work. For others unfortunately it's their job. For me it's these posts. For the most part I actually like writing about what I'm thinking. However, more often than not...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 079: Missed it by that much…
There's an interesting paradigm when you do a homegrown news podcast. Do you try to enjoy the experience and post shows at your convenience or do you let the "pressure" of getting things out in a timely fashion dictate your life? We choose the previous for the most...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 078: Longest. Show. Ever…
It's been over a month and I still can't believe I'm father. Every time I look into her eyes and hold those tiny hands in mine all I think of is that I need to be a better me. No longer just for me, but much more importantly for her. The next thing I think about is...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 077: SDCC 2012! (For Reallies)
That's right. They're doing that again. Unfortunately this year it was without The McFavorites. Can you believe it? There was a little bit of shock from not getting on a plane Tuesday. Not having our traditional Joe's Crab Shack pint to kick off Preview Night was a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 076: SDCC 2012! (Psyche)
Unfortunately this isn't our Comic-Con episode. Even more unfortunate is we're not even at Comic-Con. What we are is 3 in about 4 weeks. So that basically means we're busy as hell. We will do a recap like we always have in about a week. If you wanna hear my initial...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 075: Talking the talk…
I am about talked the hell out. If you didn't know this is the first time we've actually had a booth at a con . Denver Comic Con was absolutely amazing and far exceeded our expectations for its inaugural year. Our table was located in Podcast Peak. It was us and a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 074: Priorities…
I feel like I'm truly getting old. Not physically, but mentally. What's funny is I'm not really getting old, my priorities are just changing. I used to think, I'll never do this or I'll never worry about that. The truth is there are things in my life that need to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 073: What’s on Joe Movie/Conathon…
What started out to be a couple quick segments to promote the upcoming G.I. Joe sequel, Retaliation, and What's on Joe Mind's (WOJM) coverage of Joecon 2012 turned into a marathon of good times. That is at least for Gary "Commander and Chief" Godsoe, Mike "Beach Head"...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 072: BOTCON 2012!
Five years in a row. Just thinking about it makes my wallet want to cry and my heart soar. Although I always exercise amazing restraint in the dealer room, I always buy all the exclusives. That right there puts you $300+ in the hole before the show even starts....
Botcon 2012: Hasbro Panel
Just refresh the page every once in awhile to see updates. Kre-O 7 different sets each has a piece to build a dark energon weapon 29 new Kreons Transformers Prime Just showing all the leaks so far From Transformer Exiles novel Thunder-something? Amazing Leo...
Botcon 2012: TFCC Round Table
Photos uploading now. 85% done. Slow over a tethered cell connection. http://www.flickr.com/photos/slickmcfavorite/sets/72157629555658234/ Just refresh your browser every once in awhile to see updates. TFCC Figure Subscription Service Going to show all figures 1...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 071: An’ here I go again…
On my own. Going down the only road I've ever known. And that road leads to Botcon, solo. It's pretty fitting considering I went to my first Botcon five years ago by myself and this maybe my last. It's interesting how meaningless some things seem once you have...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 070: IP, Smipy…
While we only touch on it briefly, the whole Intellectual Property thing is blowing up as of late. First Fun Publications started with 3rd party toys by simply calling attention to a clause in their dealer room table contract that has been there for years. It's...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 069: I feel good…
I knew that I would. After several "meh" episodes, I finally had a great time recording this cast. With everything going on (see the last cast's post), it really does feel good to be enjoying myself again. Now if the rest of the community could get with the program....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 068: Toy Fair 2012…
It’s that time of year again. It’s the Super Bowl of action figure events. Where plastic addicts from all around the world rejoice and/or bitch about all the new toys we’ll be getting. Unfortunately my heart just wasn’t in it this year. We had to cancel our trip to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 067: Spoiler…
Do you like spoilers? Do you want to know the newest information as soon as possible? I don't, at least not really. That may sound strange coming from someone who peddles toy news, but that's probably the primary issue. I can't remember the last time I bought a figure...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 066: It’s gonna be a good life…
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Of course you have. How about for a few weeks? That's how long this post's namesake has been stuck in mine. Almost every moment of silence has been filled with "It's gonna be a good life, a good good life." The funny thing...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 065: The Vintage Show…
It's truly amazing how quickly things can change. One moment everything is progressing the same as it always has and WHAM, your life will never be the same. That's how I felt on December 11th. It really has changed my entire outlook on life. There's something...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 064: Black Friday 2011…
Well both of us just woke up from a tryptophan coma. Now we need to get ready for the Black Friday madness. We have one of your favorites back on the show. Hope you enjoy this year's cast. Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Download the .mp3 (59 minutes /...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 063: Untitled…
Do you ever get to a point where things just get stale? Where it just seems like you are just going through the motions? That’s how I felt on this last cast. It’s not that I didn’t have fun. The day toys aren’t fun is the day I’m done. It just seems like I’ve put the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 062: If you don’t know…
Now you know. And knowing is half the battle? I don't know. Do you know? All right lets go. I wanna really thank our special guest host Otto "The Otter" of JoeCustoms.com and DioWarriors.com for stopping by and talking some Joe with us. It's always great discovering...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 061: Did you have a good summer…
We did. Wow, did we. Unfortunately there's something a little sad about the end of summer. I'm sure it stems from childhood and the almighty 3 month sabbatical we always looked forward to. But, even in adulthood I get the same feeling. I think with the coming of warm...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 060: It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you…
Without a strong rhyme to step to Think of how many weak shows you slept through Time's up, I'm sorry I kept you Thinking of this, you keep repeating you miss The rhymes from the microphone soloist And you sit by the radio, hand on the dial, soon As you hear it, pump...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 059: San Diego Comic-Con 2011
We survived yet another year. Another year of lines, crowds, poorly trained security guards, people a little too excited and people not excited enough. Fanboys, cosplayers, booze and... oh yeah, TOYS! To me, aside from all the great people you meet, that plastic joy...
SDCC 2011 Mattel Masters of the Universe Classics Panel
Guess what? I left my tri-pod connector in Star Wars. Sorry no video from me this year. Introductions DCUC 12-pack finally coming out Club Infinite Earths (9 monthly figures, 3 quarterly figures and one subscription figure) Fan's Choice club exclusive figure (VOTE FOR...
SDCC 2011 Hasbro Star Wars Panel
Panel starts in one minute. Introductions of the panel. Just had a battery die in the video recording. Everyday I'm shufflin'. 2011 Clone Wars Wave 4 on shelves in September or sooner knowing the SDCC season Wave 5 in September too. Rex with 2 backpacks. All new...
SDCC 2011 Hasbro Transformers Panel
Live blogging the Hasbro Transformers panel now! There is a lot of rehashes from Botcon, but now with photos and videos allowed (to be posted later). Not taking a lot of photos as Hasbro will release the entire slideshow later. Generations Scrape Heap (Junkion...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 058: We’re in San Diego…
It's 30 minutes until we hit the con, so no time for musing. Congratulations to Cliff for winning the SDCC Personal Shopper Contest. Here's the new podcast. Subscribe to the RSS Subscribe through iTunes Download the .mp3 (2 hours 47 minutes / 76.6 MB) Follow along...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 057: Holy Q&A Batman…
Since I'm doing everything this time, I'm going to keep the post short. I just wanted to give a big shout out to the sites that make this possible. First off, to everyone that actually participates in the Q&As. Without you we wouldn't get all the juicy details we...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 056: Now that’s what I call participation…
Thank you, thank you, thank you. That's right, we put out a call for participation and we got it in spades. Thank you to everyone that has called and emailed. We have the most epic Listener Feedback and Questions section ever. There's not even a contest. Not to...
Transformers Collectors Club Round Table Panel
I totally forgot that I took some notes on this panel. It's a little late, but for historical reasons here's my write up. Eric did a hand sketch of the Stunticon logo Stunticon boxset art was based on a circus/event poster as opposed to an illustration Artwork...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 055: BOTCON 2011!
This may be one of my last chances to do a first-hand account of Botcon. I've enjoyed a good run. I managed to attend the last four years and it has been a riot. However, like anything it can start to get a little stale. The schedule is almost identical each year with...
Botcon 2011 Hasbro Intellectual Property Panel
HASLAB Brand Stewards Oversee the continuity Work across all platforms Work with internal and external partners Archivists Transformers Vault What didn't make it - Actionmasters Mirage, Smokescreen, Cliffjumper, Rumble, Blurr Transformers Exiles Picks up right after...
Botcon 2011 Hasbro Panel
Panel starts in 5 minutes. Just refresh your page periodically. Photos will be posted during the panel as time permits on the Flickr account at http://www.flickr.com/photos/slickmcfavorite/ No photos allowed as usual. Panel starts now. Kre-O Both humans and robot...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 054: Appreciate those who care, most people don’t…
Just a quick thought as it’s the midnight before Botcon and I still have more packing to do. There are people in our lives that truly care and some that don’t, or at least not very much. The best way to tell the difference is if their actions drive you to be a better...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 053: Best laid plans…
Robert Burns put it almost too eloquently when he wrote "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley.” Basically outside sources can always interfere with your plans. No matter how much you try to compensate, variables exist that you haven't even...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 052: Joecon, Kreon and participation…
I hate deadlines. I mean I HATE deadlines! Not necessarily because it means I have something that needs to get done, but more how they can affect the end product. Some people perform better under pressure. However most of us only think we perform better when in...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 051: par·tic·i·pa·tion (noun)
1. the act of participating 2. the state of being related to a larger whole Do you participate? Not specifically in any one thing, but just in general. Do you speak up during meetings or class? Do you arrange activities for people around you? Do you even go to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 050: Here we are, face to face, a couple of silver spoons…
Hopin’ to find, we’re two of a kind. Making a go, making it grow. Together, we’re going to find our way. Together, taking the time each day. To learn all about those things you just can’t buy. If you were hoping for another riveting installment of talking about things...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 049: It’s a brand new day…
I mean literally, the clock just struck midnight. However, figuratively it seems like it too. Not only did Mrs. McFavorite and I spend the weekend doing fresh installs on our laptops, I'm finally recovering from my cold. If you couldn't tell by the sound of my voice...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 048: TOY FAIR 2011…
How excited are you after Toy Fair? I guarantee you're not more excited than me. Not necessarily because of the reveals as there were some amazing new toys shown. More so because I consider it the pre-game to con season. As the normal news sources report on all the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 047: It’s beginning to look a lot like Toy Fair…
Toy Fair 2011 festivities start in mere hours. I get so damn excited during this time of year. It’s like my 2nd Christmas. We’ve already had a few big scoops. Leaked during the UK Toy Fair, we’ve got official pics of the new Thundercats toys. MacFarlane announced...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 046: Lists, we don’t need no stinking lists…
This one is going to be a quick as I've got a lot on my list. What list you may ask? My "2 Do List". I live and die by it or should I say them. I have one on my phone one in my email at home and another at work. I also keep little scraps of paper that have other stuff...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 045: Just sit right back…
And you'll hear a tale, a tale of collecting toys. What a tale it is too. As usual we didn't get a show out during the holidays so this one is a doozy. It feels amazing to be back though. I really forget how much I love talking toys. Do you have an outlet for your...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 044: Black Friday 2010…
Not much to say today. For some it's Black Friday eve. While we certainly enjoy our shopping, today is most definitely Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for. Trying to list everything would be futile, so we will just say THANK YOU! Subscribe to the RSS...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 043: More of the same…
Life is funny. Everything seems like it’s going great, but sometimes that is just your comfort level setting in. You get comfortable with the norm. The pedestrian is good enough. Then you wake up one day and you want more. This can happen with your job, relationships,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 042: After the hangover…
It’s back to business as usual, talking toys, toys and more toys. I gotta admit I’ve lost a bit of my plastic fever. Between running out of space and increasing credit card bills, the little men haven’t been calling to me as much. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 041: TWO YEARS!
I would have never thought when we started this two years ago I would be writing this today. It was only 4 years ago when Mrs. McFavorite and I jokingly put iPods on our wedding registry. Surprisingly we actually received those iPods. From there I discovered some of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 040: The bleeps, the sweeps, and the creeps…
Hey gang. Well we're on our last episode before our two year anniversary and wouldn't you know technical difficulties are running rampant. I just listened to 30 minutes and wanted to shoot myself. We'll be trying to solve the issue with the skips by the next show....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 039: Back to the grill again, the grill again…
It feels amazing to finally be back in the swing. I’m sure you haven’t noticed, but it has been 3, yes, THREE months since we last did a regular show. That also means that we’ve only been putting out one show a month, but oh what shows they have been. They are easily...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 038: Celebrate good times, come on…
So it’s about 5 in the morning and I’m wide awake. At some point between Comic-Con and Celebration my sleep schedule got all screwed up. But at least I have learned something about myself. I am much more productive late at night than early in the morning. You probably...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 037 (Part 1 and 2): SDCC 2010!
Well as usual here’s a convention wrap up way too late to do anybody any good. Yet, we still stress and grind, editing shows, photos and the worst of them all, videos. FUCK! It’s not difficult, but it’s time consuming or should I say cycle consuming. It doesn’t take...
Hasbro Star Wars Panel from Star Wars Celebration
Finally on line. Live blogging starts now. Here is what you have missed. I screwed up again and didn't stop the video in time because I was screwing with my connection. Will post the first 20 minutes tonight. General New exclusives for ESB Same stuff for SDCC Clone...
SDCC 2010 Masters of the Universe Panel
Live blogging from the San Diego Comic-Con Masters of the Universe panel starts in 20 minutes. I'm actually early to panel for once. Yay! Here we go. DCUC Retro action Green Lantern figures (Sinestro and Guy Gardner) DC Universe Darkseid and Kalibak 2-pack 12-pack of...
SDCC 2010 Hasbro Star Wars Panel
Live blogging for Star Wars Hasbro panel starts now. Galactic Battle Game will be in every single carded except Vintage Each game card has 6 powers and and five ratings Will continue through 2011 Animate Mace with come Jango helmet Flamethrower Trooper will flame...
SDCC 2010 Transformers: Prime Panel
Got into the panel late. Updating now. Takes place on Earth. Essentially same G1 story initially Look and feel is based G1, but going for a more cienamatic feel Stretching the limit with what can be done with Arcee to appear, but blue instead of pink Cliffjumper 60s...
SDCC 2010 Hasbro Transformers Panel
Transformers panel is about to begin. Stay tuned for live updates. War for Cybertron Same boring shit from Botcon Still more content coming from WFC. DLC pack coming on the 7.27.10 More characters (5, exclusives and Scattershot and Onslaught) 2 maps about coop and 2...
SDCC 2010 Hasbro G.I. Joe Panel
Okay the fun is about to begin. No live cast of the panel, but will upoload video immediately afterward. Stay tuned for live updates from this panel and immediately after, Transformers! G.I. Joe: Renegades Scarlet starts with taking troops on a mission to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 036: BOTCON 2010!
This is a day late and a dollar short. Well, more like a week late and hundreds of dollars short(er). That's right, I have finally somewhat caught up from yet another amazing Botcon. That's three years running. Thought for sure I wouldn't be going next year. But guess...
Botcon 2010: Hasbro Panel 06-27-10
2nd row today thanks to the new homie, G. Live blogging starts in five minutes! Special thanks to Saber of http://SabertronToys.com for providing me wireless during the panel. Also thanks to Jaime for pushing me to provide better updates. And. Here. We. Go....
Botcon 2010: Hasbro Panel 06-26-10
I will be attempting to live post during the panel. Here we go. All the same stuff we have seen leaked so far. Deluxe Ratchet in G1 color scheme. Highbrow - twin engine style older plane. Props will spin with action feature. (will be in case later). Human Alliance...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 035: I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it…
First off, sorry for the short delay. We were hoping to have this bi-weekly schedule on lock, but shit happens. The cast itself took a couple days (can't imagine why at over two and a half hours long?). Editing didn't go quite as planned either, but c'est la vie. So...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 034: WOW, it seems like just yesterday…
We'll I guess after you go for more than a month without doing something that makes you feel so good, then you do it twice in two weeks, it can definitely seem like just yesterday. Man, it feels good. I’ve gotta admit, I’ve been slacking. I’ve been drinking more than...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 033: We’re back like Kotter bitches.
If you have no idea what the reference is, it just means you're young and I'm old. I've been feeling old lately because it seems like there is never enough time. I can remember even 5 years ago, being bored trying to find stuff to do, let alone when I was a kid. As...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 032: Mrs. McFavorite was right…
You'll never guess where this is being written. I'm actually writing this during a color belt testing. In between patterns, combos and breaks there is a lot of downtime as judges jot down observations. I'm here to support my fellow students and more so because I'm...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 031: It’s almost Con Season…
Can you smell it in the air? The scent of anticipation? The odor of excitement? The stink of unshowered masses? I can remember back just a couple years ago when I really wished I could go to some of the bigger conventions. Fortunately in the last two years the Mrs....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 030: TOY FAIR 2010!
Do all caps and an exclamation mark do justice to how excited I am about Toy Fair 2010 ? Not even close. With all of the leaks, with all of the stolen Chinese toys, they still seem to absolutely amaze me. There's usually at least a few pure unadulterated...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 029: Man, it is a great time to be a collector!
Hey toy fans! Mr. Slicky here, happy as a clam. How happy is clam anyway? Well it really doesn't matter, I'm still sitting here with a big stupid grin on my face. Yes, I have been drinking, but it has much more to do with all the news from Toy Fair 2010. However,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 028 (Part 3): Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!
Wow, finally. I thought the holidays were never going to end. We have officially started to take down our Christmas decorations. We were not being lazy for once, we actually had a good reason. Last Saturday was the triumphant return of "Homie Christmas"....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 028 (Part 2): Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!
As I sit here sober on a Sunday night, which hasn't happened in a very long time, I'm excited, which also hasn't happened in very long time. Okay, I'm actually very easily excitable and it happens quite often. What I really mean is excited about the coming year. I've...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 028 (Part 1): Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!
In the immortal words of Clark W. Griswald, "Hallelujah...Holy shit...Where's the Tylenol?". Has it already been a year? A decade? Really? Seems like just yesterday we had started our own podcast and were ranting on almost every other subject except for...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 027: BLACK FRIDAY 2009
I am sitting here so uncomfortably stuffed it's not even funny. My only reprieve from the discomfort is knowing that we won't be standing in a line out in the cold waiting for a store to open, fighting the hordes of deal hungry soccer moms or standing in yet another...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 026 (Part 2): It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Hey there toy fans. It's Thanksgiving and this should have been up a few days ago. Oh well, there is another cast being posted almost immediately after this one. If you can't guess, this is just a continuation of the last cast. Basically that means I'm not going to be...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 026 (Part 1): It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Hey toy fans, welcome back. Damn it feels good to be casting again. It had been one crazy summer. We blinked and fall is almost over. The stores are in full-on holiday mode. I even heard Christmas music doing a toy run during a blizzard the other day. The end of the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 025 (Part 2): One Mutha Fucking Year!
That's right, the much anticipated, by me at least, conclusion to our one year anniversary show is now officially part of Internet history. More so for the fact that it is finally up as opposed to any actual measurable value, except for possibly fun. That's right,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 025 (Part 1): One Mutha Fucking Year!
A few shows back I had an issue with actually putting profanity in my post title. Not this time, not even close. I can't believe it has been year. It hasn't always been drinks and smiles. As I type Mrs. McFavorite and I are having a disagreement about how to split up...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 024 (Part 2): That’s a whole lotta questions, answers too.
As you found out from our last show, this is an official two-parter baby. Talk so nice, we're making you have to listen twice (or at least at two different times). We round out the show with our regular segments: Store Report, Online, What We Got, our favorite,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 024 (Part 1): That’s a whole lotta questions, answers too.
That's right; we're back with another two-parter. We talked so damn much that we once again broke it up into two long ass shows. It's okay though, because our next episode is our one year anniversary. Not the Mrs. and I, but us and you. Can you believe it, a year of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 023 (Part 2): Tangents, tangents and more tangents, oh and Joecon.
At long last, part 2 of our Joecon wrap up is here. This time it's all about the toys. What's hittin' stores and online and of course, what we got. We also get to hear from two of our favorite listeners. That's two entries for the 1st Annual Swag-Away (coining that...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 023 (Part 1): Tangents, tangents and more tangents, oh and Joecon.
Timely as usual, a month later we present our 2009 G.I. Joe Collectors Convention (or Joecon) wrap up. What is truly amazing is we manage to spend as much time talking about this very low key convention as we did SDCC. That's right, get ready for another onslaught of...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 022 (Part 2): Mutha Fudgin’ San Diego Comic-Con!
Now that we are done with all the frivolity of recapping SDCC itself, it's back to business. Part two of the Comic-Con wrap up is all the regular segments you have come to know and love (at least hopefully): Store Report, Online, What We Got, Listener Feedback and...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 022 (Part 1): Mutha Fudgin’ San Diego Comic-Con!
As much as I wanted to drop an F-bomb, I still have a problem using profanity in my writing. Don't mind the fact that both the Mrs. and I rock them like sailors on the regular. With that out of the way, let me say it again just in case you didn't hear me, COMIC-CON!...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 021: OMG, an actual episode!
Hey toy fans it seems like it has been forever. Oh wait, it has been forever. I just realized it has been over a month since our last cast. Funny thing is this episode was recorded over a month ago. As with Botcon, we meant to get this out on the way to SDCC, but...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 020: A new intro, voicemail and co-host? Welcome to episode 20!
That's right, the big two oh and we do it up big. Well kinda. We have an amazing new intro/outro by my main man, producer, MC extraordinaire, Aero from Third Light Productions. We have finally been accepted to Google Voice (thanks to Ayleen) after 8 months of waiting....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 019: WOW! Just wow.
As I started the show notes, I realized between the delay of posting 17 and 18 being completely dedicated to Botcon there has been a massive amount of news. As such we have a massive show for you this week. What do I consider massive? Try 3+ hours of toy goodness....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 018: BOTCON!
The title says it all, literally. This entire episode is dedicated to our trip to Botcon 2009 in Pasadena, California. This was my second year and as you know, Mrs. McFavorite was a Botcon virgin. Would she enjoy herself? Would she wanna hurt herself? Would she wanna...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 017: Life is hard. For the most part not really, but it definitely seems that way sometimes.
Our apologies to everyone, this should have been out a few days before Botcon, then right before Botcon, then right after Botcon and at long last now. All I can say is life, go figure. It's been a busy couple weeks for the Mrs. and me. Last week was a blur as we...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 016: SW Q&A, MOTU WTFWTK, ROC, ROTF and Christmas ornaments. Yes, I said Christmas ornaments.
At this time, two weeks from now, we should be driving through Utah on our way to Botcon. Hell to the yeah. I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. Yay. See, told ya. So even after only one week, nothing in the stores and no review, we still have enough to fill a...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 015: Botcon is really shaping up and I get a little teary eyed over the little guys…
Even with only a week in between, seemingly not nearly as much news and not seeing anything on our shelves and pegs, we still manage to go 2+ hours. That's okay though, because we love what we do and we hope it shows. Botcon can't seem to get here fast enough and Mrs....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 014: YAY! CON SEASON!
That's right, just went to the best Mile High City con, TFCon was also this weekend, next week is Canadian Joe Con, Botcon is less than a month away and we are getting very excited. Yes, we, even Mrs. McFavorite. My evil plans have come to fruition. Get Mrs....
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 013: Have I ever told you how much I love movie years, oh and Easter (sales).
It is definitely a movie year and not just one but two, a Star Wars t.v. show and did you know they're actually making Master of the Universe figures again? My fanboy excitement level is at an all-time high. Too bad my bank account is at an all-time low. Never fear,...

I love Lego, but DAMN! Oh and TOY SALES! (Mmmm…Exclamationy)
Well as usual, I slacked in getting something up. On the podcast I talked about a Lego Master Builder event in the good'ole Mile High City. I promised I would put up a scan of the flyer. So here you go... The back was pretty boring, but here's the good stuff: You need...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 012: How do you spell marathon? O P E N Y O U R T O Y S C A S T
Okay, now it's getting recockulous. It seems we cannot do a show that is less than an hour and a half. Let alone get this runaway talk train under an hour. Mrs. McFavorite has also proclaimed that we are no longer allowed to record during the week. Combining working...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 011: We are drowning in news. Q&A’s, customs, and movies…oh my!
Welcome back toy fans. Well we broke the 2 hour mark yet again. This time on a Saturday, so we are in much better spirits all the way through. I think Mrs. McFavorite might have something with this whole weekend recording thang. Editing is still taking awhile, but...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 010: We are officially in the double D’s (that’s D as in digits you perve)!
That's right, we hit our first milestone, kind of. Episode 10 is a little later than we had hoped, but worth the wait, IMHO. I think we finally have the sound thing licked. Haven't heard the whole thing yet, but what I have heard sounds better than the last few. This...
The Onion: Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Fucking Work
Okay, it's real late and I'm about half-buzzed, but I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. I first saw this on Boing Boing. Upon a second and third viewing, I've determined it is already the best video of 2009. I never like to simply repost something, but the...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 009: TOY FAIR 2009!
A new episode in less than a week? YAY! We talk about everything action figure related revealed during Toy Fair 2009 for the four franchises and I mean everything (okay not everything, but damn close). Besides Toy Fair, we have our normal amount of news (Botcon, ROTF,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 008: Now longer, more incoherent and with free ramblings.
NOTE: This podcast was recorded over a week and a half ago. Due to our Valentine's Weekend Extravaganza and one hell of a week it's a little late. Our sincerest apologies. Look for a new cast next week as we discuss the aftermath of Toy Fair. Well it's a great time to...
Is geekgasm already played? Is played played. Anyway, check these mad/ultra/really cool/awesome/fab Nerf Swords, yes I said “swords”.
Saw these while watching one my newest shows, Batman: Brave and the Bold. I'm not really diggin' on it, however, this one had Plastic Man. PM was one of my favs' from back in the day. It was even an origin story (kinda) and everything. Anyway, saw this and had to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 007: It’s our official James Bond epsiode. Psych!
The news keeps rolling in fast and furious. Star Wars and Transformers are going off. G.I. Joe isn't far behind. Masters of the Universe, meh. Best yet, Houston we have toys. Yes, the stores finally start to restock after the holidays. New York Comic-Con (NYCC) and...

$10 Star Wars Construction Toy Smackdown
It's been over a month since my last post so I figured I'd come back EXTREME, kind of, well not really. Today we look at one of my favorite type of toys, construction toys. What could be better than construction toys? Star Wars themed construction toys. I dare you to...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 006: Glad the holidays are over? Us too! Welcome back SW, TF, Joe and MOTU fans.
Wow, did 2008 have a December? Didn't seem like it. Sorry to all of our listeners/readers we let down horribly, it will never happen again. Who are we kidding, it's gonna happen again. But, we are ultra excited to be back, even if we are in a little need of sleep....
cereal:geek – Issue One… What the hell took me so long to order these?
As I mentioned on our last cast, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered all four issues of cereal:geek, the UK magazine dedicated to the animation of the 80's, from Graham Cracker Comic Books. What finally motivated me? What else, a sale. Graham Cracker Comic Books,...
Slick and Mrs. McFavorite’s Favorite Holiday Boob Tubin’
Well just as I figured. I slacked like a mutha fucker on keeping up with the holiday season daily posts. I'm going to give it another shot. To make up for the missed days, I'm going to try to do two posts a day until I catch up (i.e. Friday). Without further ado, here...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 005: The aftermath of Black Friday, exclusives, and people like us, they really like us!
Okay the title may be reaching, but we did get our first hard evidence that people are listening. Yay, virtual high five TaterX and Ayleen! Did you do Black Friday? We did, kinda, and bought an ass load of toys. We talk about all the big sales we should have talked...

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! (or the reason I read the Sunday comics again)
Hey toy fans, welcome back to another installment of the Open Your Toys blog. Today we stray slightly from our toy roots. I used to be a Sunday comics junkie. I followed Spiderman, The Boondocks, Zits, Dilbert, Garfield, Pickles and many others religiously on a weekly...
HasbroToyShop.com Transformers Sale…
Today's post won't be long as it is Mrs. McFavorite's and I's 2nd Anniversary, but it's a good one (like all those apostrophes). HasbroToyShop.com is doing a "Deal of the Day" promotion and today's is a doozy. Today they have a huge selection of Transformers...

It’s a major award! Well not really…
But, it's about as close as I've ever received. Feast your eyes on one of the first things I have ever won. Unlike Ralphie's dad in A Christmas Story , it required no real skills. I was randomly chosen from a bevy of my fellow collectors. Imagine my surprise, when I...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 004: SW QA, WTFWTK MOTUC, NRF, AT-TE, ROTF, TCW, and WTF w/ all the acronyms.
Hell yeah. One week between shows. Best yet. Look for next week's even sooner as we prepare for the most American annual "thing". That's right next week is Thanksgiving and better yet Black Friday. Listen here for all the best toy collecting deals on the biggest...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 003: MOTUC Faker, SDCC Stormie Commander, and shots.
Damn it. We do better on the release, but due to a lot of news, store info and miscellaneous shit, we come in 50% longer than our target. This week we talk about MOTU Faker, the original repaint, complain about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (ROTF) Devastator,...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 002: Just under 2 weeks and just over 1 hour.
One day under two weeks and clocking in at about 1:12, we are so close to our target timeframe and duration it's scary. This week we talk about the confirmed Masterpiece Grimlock and Disney Crossover Mickey. We take a look at the new 2009 Star Wars Lego Sets. Have you...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 001: Only two weeks …not too bad.
After two weeks, we got another one. Funny thing is that it was recorded over a week ago. Just had some editing issues. Lets just say the beta designation for Audacity 1.35 is well deserved. At just under 1:35, it is still longer than we would like, but we're getting...
Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 000: Now Live!
Well it's taken a good two months, but at long last we have posted our first podcast. It clocks in around 1:45, which is much longer than we anticipated. As we settle in, we will be targeting no more than 1 hour. Please excuse all of my ums, alrights and...
Spaceballs: The Animated Series – Sunday, September 21st at 5pm ET on G4
Mrs. McFavorite and I saw on Chelsea Lately, of all places, that Spaceballs: The Animated Series is finally going to premier in the US. Better yet, it's going to be this Sunday on G4. They're going to play the original 1987 movie at 3pm ET, then follow that up with...

The Lego Club Magazine and Star Wars: The Clone Wars…
I just received my new Lego Club Magazine for September and October. They have a big focus on the new Clone Wars sets including an interview with model designer Jens Kronvold Frederiksen. Frederiksen designed the new AT-TE (set #7675) and the Toys 'R' Us (TRU) / Lego...
Hello World!
Welcome to Open Your Toys. Over the next month or so, this will become the home of the Open Your Toys Cast, as well as your source for Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Transformers and Masters of the Universe action figure fun. My name is Jason Spiller (a.k.a. Slick...