Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 002 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. Toy Break

      Big ups to George, Ayleen and Matt of Toy Break. Toy Break is a weekly internet show featuring reviews and news about designer vinyl, plush, action figures, collectibles, events, how tos, interviews, and more! Join us now for a Toy Break!

    5. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy News

    1. Masterpiece Grimlock and Disney Mickey Confirmed (BBTS Pre-Order)

    2. New TRU Exclusive Clone War Vehicle Repaints

    3. 2009 Clones Wars Rumors

      Rebelscum’s spies reports that there will be 45 new figures next year! 36 basic figures, and 9 others mixed into battle packs, exclusives, pack-ins…you get the idea. There might be a few more, possibly by way of repaints or kit-bashed figures. At the end of the day, there should be a really good representation of the series as a whole.

    4. New Galactic Heroes

    5. New Clone Wars Potato Head

    6. 2009 Star Wars Lego Sets

  3. Store Report

    1. Sightings

      1. Shield Generator Assault Battle Pack
      2. G.I. Joe Combat Heroes Wave 1
      3. G.I. Joe Vehicles Wave 3
      4. Rebelscum: TRU Exclusive ARC-170
      5. Rebelscum: TLC Wave 4
      6. TFW2005: Universe Legends Wave 3
      7. TFW2005: 25th Anniversary Optimus Prime
      8. TFW2005: Universe Robot Heroes Wave 2
    2. Nothing in Ads

  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

      1. Additions
      2. Galactic Heroes Snowspeeder on Hoth Set
      3. Shadow Commander Custom Trailer Set
      4. G.I. Joe Vehicles Wave 5
    2. Sales and Promos

      1. save20 – $20 off $100 or more at (Currently have vintage G.I. Joe and MOTU 20%) until 11.4.08
      2. MDCREW – 20% at until 11.14.08
  5. What We Got

    • Seacons
    • G.I. Joe Wave 10
    • Mighty Muggs Assaj
    • Galactic Heroes Dewback
  6. Weekly Toy Review (coming soon)

  7. Weekly Episode (coming soon)

  8. Listener Feedback and Questions

  9. Grab Bag

    1. TFW2005: Transformers Pumpkins

    2. Stars Wars Bowling Balls

  10. Peace