About the podcast and site
About Us
Contact Us
- www.OpenYourToys.com
- Slick@openyourtoys.com and MrsMcFavorite@openyourtoys.com
- Twitter: SlickMcFavorite
- Facebook: Slick McFavorite
- Voicemail: 641.715.3900 ext. 68029
What are we drinking? Nothing. AGAIN!
Toy News
YoJoe.com: TRU Exlcusive Viper Squad
Clone Wars and Legacy Collection: Picutres of CW Wave 5, Prototype Picutres, Great Insider Article and Rebelscum: Rumor List
New Star Wars Packaging
Rebelscum: Hasbro kinda confirms Clone Turbo Tank (Jugernaut)
New Mattel Q&A
Seibertron (via TF08.net): New Pics of Mickey Mouse Optimus Prime
Revenge of the Fallen: Target DCPI’s ($100 combiner?)
TFW2005: Revenge of the Fallen: Audi R8
Store Report
New Items and Pre-Orders
- TFSource: WST Blaster and Shockwave
- BBTS Pre-orders: Encore 16 – Combaticons, Encore 17 – New Cassettes, Classics Prime Trailer, New Grimlock and Bumblebee and Chrono Label Watches
- Entertainment Earth: TLC Wave 6
- Matty Collector: Skeletor (He-Man and Beastman SOLD OUT)
Sales and Promos
- Brian’s Toys: New Year Clearance Feb. 15th
- Master Collector Club Sales: Transformers and G.I. Joe
What We Got
- WST Ultra Magnus (KO HeeroToysMaker)
- Animated Safeguard
- Cobra Frogman: Eel
- G.I. Joe Wave 13
- Mighty Muggs: SW Wave 7 and Joe Wave 1
- Galactic Heroes Rancor
- SWAN: I won Shadows of Mindor
Weekly Toy Review (Still Slacking)
Listener Feedback and Questions (Bueller? Bueller?)
Grab Bag
G.I. Joe and Transformers Trailers During Super Bowl (Register for updates at http://www.gijoemovie.com/)
TFW2005: ROTF Tie-Ins
eBay: ESB Posters sells for $14K
Star Wars Hawthorne Village