Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 009 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy News

    1. Botcon Brochure!

    2. TFW2005: Justitoys new WST Dinorobots

    3. TFW2005: SGCollect City Commander Add-On

    4. Rebelscum: Wedge’s X-wing

    5. Revenge of the Fallen Toy News:

    6. Toy Fair 2009

  3. Store Report

    1. Sightings

      1. Twitter and Twitpic
      2. Target: G.I. Joe Greatest Battles
      3. TFW2005: Transformers Mighty Muggs Wave 1
      4. TFW2005: Transformers Animated Deluxe Wave 6 R1
    2. In The Ads

      Walmart: $64 BMF

  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

    2. Sales and Promos

  5. What We Got

  6. Weekly Toy Review (Leo Prime VS. AT-TE/Rex Crossover)

  7. Listener Feedback and Questions

  8. Grab Bag

    1. FANBOYS! and Transformers Trailer

    2. Wired: Action Figure Museum

    3. TF2009 Exclusive 3 3/4″ Jason Voorhees

    4. Shortpacked VS. Lil’ Formers

    5. I won, I really won! (Toy Break and IHN

  9. Peace