About the podcast and site
About Us
Contact Us
- www.OpenYourToys.com
- Slick@openyourtoys.com and MrsMcFavorite@openyourtoys.com
- Twitter: SlickMcFavorite
- Facebook: Slick McFavorite
- Voicemail: 641.715.3900 ext. 68029
What are we drinking? We are, YAY!
Toy News
UK Toy Fair: 2′ Devastator (gorilla-esque) and More Human Alliances
Star Wars Hasbro Q&A Highlights
- New Amidala from EP1
- Gamorrian Guard in 2 years
- TFU wave in 2010
- No Mon Cal Jedi (Nahdarr)
- 10th Anniversay of Episode 1
- Battle damaged Grievous 2009
- Super Battle Droid w/ Cannon 2009
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra File Cards
Masters of the Universe Classics NYCC News (more)
Seibertron: New pics of Mickey Mouse Crossover
TFW2005: New Pics of WST Blaster
TFW2005: Activators Soundwave
Revenge of the Fallen Toy News:
- TFW2005: Wheelie Cardback (G1 and 25th)
- TFW2005: The Fallen (Dreamwave)
- TFW2005: Legends Bumblebee (Original)
- Preview Soundwave (triple changer) and Bumblebee (G1 Soundwave)
Store Report
In The Ads
Sadie Hawkings Pricing: Walmart up to $12.88 for all TF Deluxes, Target to $11.99 Universe and $9.99 Animated. SW up to $7.46 and $7.99 respectively
New Items and Pre-Orders
- BBTS Pre-orders: New Pics of Gear of War, Generations 2009 Vol. 1 and Ligier
- Entertainment Earth: G.I. Joe Hall of Fame, Shadow Arc 170, Online Exclusive SW Mighty Muggs, SW Battle Packs Wave 6, TF Mighty Muggs Wave 3 (CANCELLED)
- Star Wars Shop: Clone Wars Walkie Talkie Watches
Sales and Promos
- Brian’s Toys: Flat rate shipping and free figures (expries 02-15-09)
- Entertainment Earth: Free shipping on $85 or Source code 1001091 for $15 off (expires 2-28-09)
What We Got
Weekly Toy Review (Still Slacking)
Listener Feedback and Questions: Jared and SPAM
Grab Bag
G.I. Joe and Transformers Teasers during Super Bowl
Burger King to get ROTF Promotion
Star Wars influenced Adidas Superstars
Rebelscum: Star Wars Comic News from NYCC
TFW2005: Transformers Animated over after Season 3(?)
StarWars.com: First Star Wars Horror Novel (Cover Reveal)