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- www.OpenYourToys.com
- Slick@openyourtoys.com and MrsMcFavorite@openyourtoys.com
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- Facebook: Slick McFavorite
- Voicemail: 641.715.3900 ext. 68029
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Toy News
Star Wars Weekends Exclusive: Jedi Training Academy
Disney Park Exclusives: Disney 3 3/4 Star Wars Figures Wave 3 (mail order number – 407-363-6200)
Botcon Update (Figures: Kup and Scourge and SkyQuake and LeoZak)
Update to Upgrade Sets:
- G3 Trailer Accessories & TFCon Exclusive
- TFW2005: Unicron.com Ratchet Magnets
- Seibertron: Gear of War
- Seibertron: iGear City Commander Upgrade Set
Seibertron: Second Dairy Con Exclusive
Revenge of the Fallen Toy News:
- TFW2005: Case Breakdowns
- Just new pics…
Hasbro Star Wars Q&A
- Most likely getting movie-style Jabba in 2010
- $60 dollar deluxe ships here to stay
Store Report
In The Ads
New Items and Pre-Orders
Sales and Promos
What We Got
- MOTUC: Stratos (Faker EXTREMELEY limited)
Weekly Toy Review: King Grayskull
Listener Feedback and Questions: iTunes Reviews and welcome to Joseph Stalec and Heath Holland (Facebook)
HH: “Your optimism gives me hope. I’m a big comics guy, and Larry Hama wrote almost the entire 155 issues of the comic, and he says they are doing things that he really considers to be mistakes, and that they didn’t consult him…so I get a little nervous. But if I keep my expectations low, maybe I’ll have a good time. At the very least, Snake Eyes oughta be cool to see in action.”
Grab Bag
TheForce.Net: Family Guy ROTJ Spoof – Episode VI: The Great Muppet Caper (Something, Something, Something Darkside to air Fall of ’09)
TheForce.net: “Choose Your Own Adventure” Clones Wars Novel (second books of series, July 23rd)
IHN: Fanboys filmed in Albuquerque, Trekkie town square in Las Vegas, Skywalker Ranch is the World College