Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 019 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy News

    1. Joecon: First pics of set and LARRY HAMA!

    2. CTR: SDCC Exclusive Check List

    3. StarWars: New Disney Star Wars Potato Heads

    4. Poe Ghostal’s: Teela

    5. JediNewsUK: Retooled Clone Wars Gunship

    6. POTF2: New Clone Wars Figures

    7. He-Ro and Man-at-Arms Reviews

    8. TFW2005: New pics of WST Blaster and Shockwave

    9. Seibertron: Wlmart Exclusive 2-packs and Minicon 10-pack

    10. New Official SW Pics: Cone Wars 2-packs and Comic Packs

    11. MattyCollector: Tri-Klops Ring, Man-at-Arms secret accesory and He-Ro variants

    12. Update to Fan-based Projects:

    13. Revenge of the Fallen Toy News:

    14. Rise of Cobra Toy News:

    15. Mattel Q and A

      • Webstor’s grappling hook will work similar to original
      • At least 1 POP and 1 NA character in 2010
      • At least 6 new MOTUC figures to be revealed at SDCC
      • Starting with He-Ro, all MOTUC figures will ship in an outer shipping box much like the DCUC and JLU sets.
      • We know exactly how and when Orko will be in the line. He’s coming sometime in 2010
      • Not Q and A, but Poe Ghostal has that November will be a “Deluxe” figure
    16. Transformers Q and A

      • At this time we do not have any plans to bring the Henkei line into the U.S., but where certain redecos make sense we will try to incorporate into future lines.
      • Currently, the core assortments in the Animated line are slated to run through Spring 2010. We will continue to offer non-movie characters throughout the year. As for 2010, it is still a little too early to discuss our plans at this time.
      • Unfortunately, there are no plans to release these items (Robot Heeroes – Victory Saber vs. Dessarus, Optimus Primal vs. Jetstorm, Prowl vs. Laserbeak, and Ricochet vs. Predaking) this year or in the near future.
      • There are no plans to offer a premium series line. Rather than offering more new decos of existing molds, you can expect to see more new molds in the realistic movie styling than you did in Spring of 2008 following the first film.
    17. SW Q and A

      • There is a Queen Amidala figure in the Mighty Muggs line, but that is the only Padme that will come out for the line.
      • The real issue, which you have underscored, is what qualifies as a figure in the count. You are correct in that the previous figures commemorated basic figure milestones, but the commemorative figures themselves should not have been included in that count since they were not basic figures (the Boba Fett 300th did count as the #300 figure in the count for the 500th Vader). Also, multi-packs were counted as one figure, when as you indicate they should have been two if they had different and unique deco. Just counting basic figure cards doesn’t seem to really do the history of the line justice. The simplest count would be to continue to go with basic figures, but we’re not sure that all different figures shouldn’t be counted, or even unique characters/versions (perhaps ignoring upgrades). We’d be very interested in hearing what the general fan consensus is on the topic…perhaps something for one or more of the fansites to poll their user base?
      • The pack is tied directly to the Disney Parks Jedi Training Academy, and thus does not make sense selling outside of that setting. We did talk to the Disney Parks team and they confirmed that pending available quantities, it should be available by phone. You can call the Disney Parks merchandise mail order number at 407-363-6200 after the official release this Friday.
      • e have a Galactic Heroes multi-pack lined up for the Medal Ceremony, but do not have a 3-3/4″ Battle Pack or set lined up. We would like to do a medal Chewie some day, but since he does not get one in the film this is a little bit controversial and we have not discussed the idea with Lucasfilm. Since he does get his medal in the novel, there is precedence for perhaps an “EU” version to commemorate this. Perhaps something we’ll look at down the road, but unlikely in a multi-figure set.
      • After the four concept figures being released this year, we have no more concept figures planned. They could return some day, of course, but we plan to tackle some new figures with those figure slots.
  3. Store Report

    1. Sightings

    2. In The Ads

  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

    2. Sales and Promos

  5. What We Got

  6. Justitoys – Snarl

  7. Listener Feedback and Questions

  8. Grab Bag

    1. G.I. Joe $145 and Transformers $140 Complete Series (TF Season 2 Pre-Order)

    2. Republic Commandos

    3. Star Wars Adidas

    4. ROC Rumors

    5. Magnum P.I. Star Wars Mash Up

  9. Peace