Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 024 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. What are we drinking?

    5. Contest Deadline: 10.7.09

  2. Q&A’s

  3. Store Report

    1. Sightings

    2. In The Ads

      • TRU: Free Commander Ponds with $30+, Deluxes $12.99
      • Target: SW Vehicles $17.99
  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

    2. Sales and Promos

  5. What We Got

  6. Weekly Toy Review: None this week

  7. Listener Feedback and Questions

    • Jaime: Says screw the kids go for yours in regard to paratrooper. Hates taling teens in movies. Says kick them out. Bad experience with Hama. International dialing. @JES “(With one S) not in Jet Li or Jackie Chain? DUDE….. come on you seem to luv Ninja’s so hear’s what i’ll do! i’m go to send you some Old & New School jet li, Jackie chan movie’s so you can get into some real Kung Fu. p.s Maybe some of the Master Bruce lee?”
    • 22pokeman Shout Out
    • Otto: New pics (army building)
    • TaterX: Holy batshit crazy Batman! WTF is up w/ my transcript? lol Anyway I just got in from the road, after I listen to the new show I might holla back to clarify. Keep on keepin on playa.
    • Vern’s Voicemail: Hey Jason, Jessica mister. Ressarie favorites is from from Baltimore just want to let you know that she, KMarts up here. I’ll start to close down. I don’t know if it’s everywhere else, but they’ve got like 30% off right now, although lease and I went in there today and they have a lot of store worsened transformers and not GI Joe last over and I’m not really much of a bit would move in so I don’t know, you might wanna keep your eyes out. I picked up well. One of the Newark GD 2 so controlled relief. 020-9909 I got it for like 19 bucks so I don’t really click on the new stuff on the students collector, but I pick up whenever I can catch a model like, so just want to give you a heads up on that and you know investors that there might. If you would like to get some good deal. So keep up the good work. Love the show can within except show then. Like I said, I’m not sure about the KMarts in beautiful Colorado’s where you guys wrap it up your clothes and all, so if you guys. A out. I’ll talk to you guys later. Just.
    • Welcome YouTubers: Next Show
    • Welcome Twitterers: Next Show
    • Welcome Facebookers: Next Show
  8. Grab Bag

    1. Sideshow Doing Transformers

    2. G.I. Joe: Resolute DVD Release Date

    3. Star Tours Revamp

  9. Peace