Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 028 Show Notes
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year
About the podcast and site
About Us
Contact Us
What are we drinking?
Toy News
New Contest: What you got for the holidays voicemail. Fetts (Rob Paine, HCwSt, Fetts, Geekster) Prize Pack (t-shirt, buttons and stickers) and a surprise toy! Ends 1.31.10
TFCC and GJCC Membership Figures Announced: Dion and Big Lob
TRU Exclusive TF:Animated Ratchet and Arcee: Packaging and Loose Ratchet/Arcee
Mattel complaints keep coming: Ordering, Female bobble heads, Evil Lyn Repaint (Good: MOTUC review)
Q and A Wrap Up next show
Store Report
- Twitter and Twitpic
- TF Mighty Mugg Wave 3 at TRU
- TF Deluxe Wave 8 at Target
- Jaime: Getting ton of blue cards, black cards finally arriving, CW 2-packs and finally got his BMF
- TFW2005: TF Legends Wave 5 in Oklahoma.
- Rebelscum: TLC Wave 12 (ESB) in Florida
In The Ads
- BMF $60 and AT-TE $40 at close out stores
- MP Skywarp $20 and Wal-mart’s general inconsistency
- Target Exclusive Rancor up to 50% off
New Items and Pre-Orders
Sales and Promos
- HissTank: Kohl’s PIT HQ for $47.99
- TF and G.I. Joe Complete Series
- MP Skywarp $49 then $39 then $49
- BBTS: 15% off any non-new or preorder item
- EE: New Years Sale
- Bartertown Comics: Save 25% on orders over $30* until 01/15/2010. Use coupon code: btcxmas
What We Got
Weekly Toy Review: #140CharacterReviews
Listener Feedback and Questions
- Thanks to everyone for the wedding anniversary, birthday and Holiday wishes!
- Welcome new YouTubers, Twitters and Facebookers
- Corrections: Jamie and Bob blood in SW
- Mike Burns
- I also agree that just being involved in the fandom and checking the pegs for new figs. Listening to podcasts, getting the kids involved that is fun and what our hobby delivers on. It was very cool on Friday, I purchased my first ever WST on line, picked up my son some deluxe’s from a Wal-Mart sale and even got my 3 year-old little girl a Fast Action Battle Desert BumbleBee, cause she “wuv him so much.
- Correction: Collecting is being cut back
- “Gay Hercules!”
- Duke
- Adult SW Forum: Bantha Skull (‘Mentally disabled frat house…with swears.’)
- Bob Rinn
- Voicemails
- TaterX: Yeah, Hi, I just wanted to call. Wish You a Merry Christmas and tell you that I got my guess. I had to wait. I’ve been so busy here lately, but I got the opening today Christmas Eve and I had posters. I had a super bill breaking build man what that was the best thing. Not sure, and comics and all kinds of cool stuff. And wow. That was just the coolest thing. Thank you very much and I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and tell you can. The show was awesome. You do so. If you get a job love someone and if you’re involved in or your parents but miss big favor. They’re just great your debt is just the best, so you shouldn’t mix them it more often, but anyway. Merry Christmas to you all and thank you very much, this is 0 while, Terex just san. Thanks alright. Bye bye.
- Sam: Hi. This is Nick and this is Nick favorite. This is Sam in New York. I just wanted to let you know I’m a huge fan of the podcast hi lessons and every chance I did that. And yeah, if you could do a fantastic job. So keep it up. I think you guys want, they have you’re on television program. You could look good on tiller break. So anyway, when you his daddy. Rick favorite getting his on podcast because I I think I speak for many fans and saying that he was definitely the star of the last one. So anyway. Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing many many more hours of open source. Hey Clock at bye.
- Mike Burns: Hey guys, this is my personal Hyatt. I tried the done the beer and I really liked it and see get a head cold. I like later and them thanks to me off. Simply cast. Talk to you Later. Bye Bye.
- Vern: Hey look when your toys. K. S. This is Karen from Baltimore. What’s up guys and just giving you a quick store report from down here wanted to address. They had lunch as usual. What we fax do they hit the stores up. We’ll know lunchtime. So anyway, I found the post Macquarie. I guess you’re 6 packs of although up the release Macquarie figures series want to see reach to actually found to Kathleen’s and some different figures. I haven’t seen before that. That’s cool. Star Wars. I was just packed with all the stuff so I don’t know if you guys to see that banner yet or if you need any other. Let me know at 20. I can pick them up. But anyway, just wanted to say hello again, and hope things are going well and if if you need any Macquarie figures or anything you know to come to. I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye bye.
Grab Bag