Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 030 Show Notes
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Toy Fair 2010
- Press Release
- Press Kit
- Showroom Pictures
- Hasbro Presentation
- Hasbro will contine to market the ROTF line into the summer. In the Fall Hasbro will be taking a step back in the interm between ROTF and Transformers 3. They will focus on Transformers in general, and not a specific line such as Animated, ROTF or Universe. Expect fewer Transformers during this time.
- Legends Ravage
- Scout Brimstone – Turns into a 1950’s road hog motorcycle
- Sea Attack Ravage – Grey-blue repaint of Ravage
- Elita-1 – The long-awaited 3rd bike has arrived! This is a new mold that will combine with the other bike sisters
- Battle Blades Optimus Prime – New Voyager class w/ the Matrix of Leadership, has snap out swords, and tank canisters that pop off for weapons
- Leader Optimus Prime – Has battle hooks and battle damage, new face, new deco
- Transformers Generations – Autobot Drift, Thrust, Darkmount (Triplechanger homage to Straxus)
- Power Core Combiners – Bruticus (Bombshock), Aerialbots (Skyburst), Stunticons (Rallybots) and Devastator (Destructicons). Main figure is scout-sized with 4 legends-sized unique limbs. 5 figures combine, the spring-loaded vehicles automatically convert to form the limbs. Any scout-class figure from this line can combine with the limbs. Each scout has 2 different heads; the combiner head and regular head.
- Store Exclusives – Masterpiece Grimlock (TRU) and Autobot Blaster with Sleeljaw, Ramjorn, and Eject (SDCC) with a new Mighty Muggs
- M.A.S.K.-style Vehicles
G.I. Joe
Masters of the Universe
Star Wars