Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 030 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. iTunes Issues

    5. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy Fair 2010

    1. Transformers

      • Press Release
      • Press Kit
      • Showroom Pictures
      • Hasbro Presentation
      • Hasbro will contine to market the ROTF line into the summer. In the Fall Hasbro will be taking a step back in the interm between ROTF and Transformers 3. They will focus on Transformers in general, and not a specific line such as Animated, ROTF or Universe. Expect fewer Transformers during this time.
      • Legends Ravage
      • Scout Brimstone – Turns into a 1950’s road hog motorcycle
      • Sea Attack Ravage – Grey-blue repaint of Ravage
      • Elita-1 – The long-awaited 3rd bike has arrived! This is a new mold that will combine with the other bike sisters
      • Battle Blades Optimus Prime – New Voyager class w/ the Matrix of Leadership, has snap out swords, and tank canisters that pop off for weapons
      • Leader Optimus Prime – Has battle hooks and battle damage, new face, new deco
      • Transformers Generations – Autobot Drift, Thrust, Darkmount (Triplechanger homage to Straxus)
      • Power Core Combiners – Bruticus (Bombshock), Aerialbots (Skyburst), Stunticons (Rallybots) and Devastator (Destructicons). Main figure is scout-sized with 4 legends-sized unique limbs. 5 figures combine, the spring-loaded vehicles automatically convert to form the limbs. Any scout-class figure from this line can combine with the limbs. Each scout has 2 different heads; the combiner head and regular head.
      • Store Exclusives – Masterpiece Grimlock (TRU) and Autobot Blaster with Sleeljaw, Ramjorn, and Eject (SDCC) with a new Mighty Muggs
      • M.A.S.K.-style Vehicles
    2. G.I. Joe

    3. Masters of the Universe

    4. Star Wars

  3. Peace