Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 032 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy News

    1. Toy Budget and Tracking

    2. Convention News:

    3. Transformers Hall of Fame

    4. New Justitoys WSTs Sixshot, Blitzwing and Astrotrain

    5. Crazy Devy: Frenzy pile drivers and preview of new upgrades

    6. Antique Force Detail the new UGH

    7. Transformers: Animated Rodimus and Ironhide to be TRU exclusives

    8. New Transformers Listings in Walmart systems (Strafe and Banzitron)

  3. Store Report

    1. Sightings

    2. In The Ads

      • Last week to use Hasbro Star Wars $5 coupon
  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

    2. Sales and Promos

      • Sideshow 12″ Phase 1 Clone Trooper ($89.99) available for gift card use (Thanks to Eric Perez)
      • Big Bad Toy Store: 2000 items on sale (including: 40% Off ROC, 20% Off GI Joe 25th Anniversary and 30% Off Transformers Busts)
      • Brian’s Toys: $4.99 Shipping and now $15 off $75+ (15PARSECS)
  5. What We Got

  6. Weekly Toy Review: ?

  7. Listener Feedback and Questions

    • Welcome new YouTubers, Twitters and Facebookers
    • Saber’s Toy Isle Trolls
    • Saber’s bribe
    • Voicemails
      • Vern: Hey guys, mister missus favorite is man from Baltimore calling back just to say. If you guys have a nice Easter and a couple of things, my toy fair favorite whichever at believe last time. Absolutely was. I was out of the blue. If I don’t know. I am like spoke for that I cannot wait this get my hands on that take many pictures and post them on facebook. As you know like to do and maybe I’ll have my all some sleep, and so on and station or just if you wanna pay rise. Bye. I’m, Trucking final and as far as he may be a door was the other figure that picked up, but I did get the Stretchers and. I am prepare for the 19th this month and if I have to give her a referral help them do it. And last but not least, easy the. Jen icon of poster you were talking about. The but what fed cock at door. I don’t really funny thing wrong with film actually really like it. So anyway, I can’t wait to leave at going down the cast you guys give me a holler available anytime. Alright guys have a good one. Talk to you later. Bye.
  8. Grab Bag

    1. General Collecting: IKEA! (shipping rate reduction)

    2. G.I. Joe:

    3. Transformers: Japanese TF: Animated Intro and Outro and Commercials, Hub to launch 10-10-10 (Bumblebee)

    4. Star Wars: New Dates for Stars Wars in Concert, Karen Traviss to return to Star Wars, New animated series

    5. MOTU: M.U.G.E.N. Masters of the Universe characters

    6. Toy Fair Contest

  9. Peace