Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 041 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy News

    1. Con News

    2. TFCC and GJCC News

    3. Fan Made Projects

    4. TVC Wave 4 in Package pics

    5. TF Classics “Battle in Space” 2-pack (comic)

    6. Generations Grapple

    7. Tidbits from Toy Guru and MOTUC Q and A

  3. Store Report

    1. Sightings

    2. In The Ads

  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

    2. Sales and Promos

  5. What We Got

    • TOO MUCH! Going to be liquidating.
  6. Featured Custom: FrenzyRumble’s Wapath

  7. Toy Review: WST Ultra Magnus OG Wonderfest and Heerotoysmaker

  8. Listener Feedback and Questions

    • Steve’s Voicemail – Hey Mr. In this is my favorite. Steve again. Just want to wish you good luck on your 2 year show And I want to tell you that I have a lot of people, isn’t your show. I’ve been telling everybody ever took a look at Matt’s about your show and there’s just a listening in. Love it. So So I just want to take a look and on the to your show and If you guys later.
  9. Grab Bag

    1. Star Wars


    2. G.I. Joe

      – Hub Schedule?

    3. Transformers

      The Ride? (and title Transformers: The Dark of the Moon)

    4. MOTU

      Limited Edition Print with The Unofficial Cartoon Guide

  10. 2nd Annual Swag Away Winner – Steve!

    1. G.I. Joe: The Movie
    2. 80’s cartoon
    3. all the new cartoons
  11. Peace