About the podcast and site
About Us
Contact Us
- www.OpenYourToys.com
- Slick@openyourtoys.com and MrsMcFavorite@openyourtoys.com
- Twitter: SlickMcFavorite and Mrs_McFavorite
- Facebook: Slick McFavorite
- Voicemail: 720.235.TOYS (8697)
What are we drinking?
Toy News
Con News
- JoeCon 2011 set hint – “My, you look good in that camo pattern.”
- Canadian JoeCon 2011 on June 18th in Toronto Ontario
- Canadian Action Figure Expo on October 9th in Mississauga, Ontario
- SDCC to stay SDCC until at least 2015 (Memberships on Sale Nov. 1st)
TFCC and GJCC News
Fan Made Projects
TVC Wave 4 in Package pics
TF Classics “Battle in Space” 2-pack (comic)
Generations Grapple
Tidbits from Toy Guru and MOTUC Q and A
- Leaked Pics
- Swappable hands possible, GL Classics will have it
- Ram Man larger buck? “We certainly would not cheat Ram Man and not do him right. If and when we get to Ram Man he will be worth it!”
- GID Panthor eyes? Wait and see
- No Wundar re-release
- Posters instead of comics in 2-packs
- Peasant He-Man will come with Key, Rifle and He-Man sword
- 200x may be more prominent at retail
- Narrative based on bios: http://www.he-man.org/forums/boards/showthread.php?t=181392
- Legal reasons for set subs
- Any mini comic figures are fair game.
- Sale News (21 products, Battle Cat, Skeletor, He-Man), King Grayskull Re-Issue, Grizzlor and Great Wars Assortment Weapons Pack,
Store Report
- Twitter and Twitpic
- Jaime:
- TVC Vehicles
- HFTD Wave 4 in Las Vega, NV
- Victory of the Fallen Legends 5-pack in South Carolina
- TF Voyagers Wave 3 in California
- PoC Alpha Vehicles Wave 2
- Target Star Wars Exclusives – Hoth Battle Packs, Senate Commando 2-pack, Cad and IG 2-pack, Mini-Mighty Muggs, TVC Vehicles, Geonsis Arena 2-packs
In The Ads
- Transformers Power Core Combiners 5-packs $15 at Walmart
New Items and Pre-Orders
- EE: TVC Wave 3 Cases, PoC Wave 3
- BBTS: Generations Wave 5
- Brian’s Toys: Clone Wars Wave 7
- TFSource: TF Legends Series 1 and 2
- New Reprolabels
Sales and Promos
What We Got
- TOO MUCH! Going to be liquidating.
Featured Custom: FrenzyRumble’s Wapath
Toy Review: WST Ultra Magnus OG Wonderfest and Heerotoysmaker
Listener Feedback and Questions
- Steve’s Voicemail – Hey Mr. In this is my favorite. Steve again. Just want to wish you good luck on your 2 year show And I want to tell you that I have a lot of people, isn’t your show. I’ve been telling everybody ever took a look at Matt’s about your show and there’s just a listening in. Love it. So So I just want to take a look and on the to your show and If you guys later.
Grab Bag
Star Wars
G.I. Joe
– Hub Schedule?
– The Ride? (and title Transformers: The Dark of the Moon)
2nd Annual Swag Away Winner – Steve!
- G.I. Joe: The Movie
- 80’s cartoon
- all the new cartoons