Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 042 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy News

    1. Con News

    2. Ton of new Transformers pics

    3. PoC Wave 3 Snake Eyes Carded

    4. TVC Wave 5 finally revealed

    5. Panthor and Weapons Pac pics

    6. TFCC G2 Ramjet Exclusive revealed

    7. Christmas Buzz Lightyear

    8. New Clone Wars figs

    9. Collector Clubs offer $10 referral

    10. Star Wars Lego carrying/play cases

    11. Matty News

    12. Fan Made Projects

    13. Matty Tdbits and Q and A

      • December Matty Day moved back to the 15th
      • Roboto’s shoulders stamped wrong
      • Shadowbeast moved to February
      • The April figure will be revealed in the December issue of Toy Fare in their 2011 Preview section
      • It is the light (or lack of light) that makes them look purple or blue. Shadowbeasts are brown
      • No heads in Weapons Pacs
      • Gwildor 100% new tool
      • No Robot Knights
      • 4 new 2-packs hopefully announced by the end of year
      • Weapons Rack to come with a ton weapons
      • Possibly more BA figures announced by the end of the year
    14. G.I. Joe Q and A

      • Renegades merchendise starting Fall 2011 in the PoC line? (will feature full articulation)
      • PoC will continue pass Wave 4
      • 30th Anniversary coming, will make 25th fans happy
  3. Store Report

    1. Sightings

    2. In The Ads

      • Walmart: TF Deluxes $9, SW Figures $6 (including Vintage)
      • Kmart: $49 AT-AT
  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

    2. Sales and Promos

  5. What We Got

    • TOO MUCH! Going to be liquidating.
  6. Featured Custom: MOTU Lego Customs

  7. Toy Review: G1 Ultra Magnus (Matrix Prime)

  8. Listener Feedback and Questions

    • Just Too Late Contest Entries:

      • Chuck (Star Joes)


        1. 200x MYP cartoon
        2. 200x image and MV Creations comics
        3. Filmation cartoon
        4. MOTU Classics figures
        5. Golden books

        and G.I. Joe

        1. Sunbow cartoon
        2. The toys from the 80’s 83 to 87 (O-rings rule)
        3. Marvel comics
        4. Resolute cartoon
        5. 25th anniversary figures
      • Jaime

        Star Wars

        1. the 6 films
        2. the Books
        3. the Ewok movies
        4. the radio plays
        5. the clone wars
    • A QUESTION!: Steve – How you doing. Mr messing with Fred Rose. This is Steve you guys said in the last pocket. You know, get many questions So I did have a question for each of you. If you had to pick 140 Franchise sick with forever which would be for each of you just want to know just You know the questionnaire. If anything just talk to you later. Bye.
  9. Grab Bag

    1. Star Wars

      Largest Lego Mosaic Ever

    2. G.I. Joe

      Renegades to Premiere on Black Friday (clip and Online Streaming)

    3. Transformers

      New Toys at McDonald’s on 11-24-10 coinciding with Transformers: Prime special programs and mini-series on the 26th (trailer)

    4. MOTU

      – None

  10. Different kind of toy news

  11. Peace