About the podcast and site
About Us
Contact Us
- www.OpenYourToys.com
- Slick@openyourtoys.com and MrsMcFavorite@openyourtoys.com
- Twitter: SlickMcFavorite and Mrs_McFavorite
- Facebook: Slick McFavorite and Open Your Toys Fan Page
- Voicemail: 720.235.TOYS (8697)
What are we drinking?
Toy News
Con News
- Joe Con Registration Live
- 2011 AND 2012 Auto Assembly Information
- Confirmed for SDCC 2011
Dark of the Moon Toy News
New TRU Exclusive Star Wars Deluxe Vehicles
He-Man.org’s Top 5 MOTUC figures
- Battle Cat (Trap Jaw)
- Trap Jaw (Roboto)
- Orko (Battle Cat)
- She-Ra (Gygor)
- Adora (BA He-Man)
New Heads for Generations G2 Prime and WreckGar
New Vintage Rumors
Walmart lists Generations Arcee and Warpath
Keldor to get his swords
New Vintage 3-packs
Yoda and Correct Jedi Luke Cardbacks
Catra is May’s figure, new MOTUC vs DCUC 2-pack and schedule
Canceled PoC HISS Scout, Minotaur and Cycle Armor surface
New Dagobah Landing Luke Revealed (cardback reveals more)
New Clone Wars Confirmed (Republic Attack Shuttle)
Fan Made Projects
- New pics of HoS Insecticons (not MMC)
- Xovergen – War for Cybertron Upgrade Kit
- G2 Laser Prime Trailer and Sword
- Brownnoize Productions – Throne of Chaos
- New KOs: Animated Arcee and Shattered Glass Prime
Matty Tidbits and Q and A
- Mosquitor’s liguid to probably use plates like BA He-Man
- No ankle pegs visible after Preternia He-Man
- No smaller diorama pieces
- 2-packs probably will target mini comics
Store Report
- Twitter and Twitpic
- canceled Sand Serpent found at Ross
- Star Wars Vintage Wave 4 (online) and 5 (Orlando) found.
In The Ads
- Mike Burns: Kmart – PIT $25 and Night Raven $4.99 (BMF $42)
- Hasbro: Supercharge Promotion
New Items and Pre-Orders
Sales and Promos
- None
What We Got
- Matty Subscriptions (new ordering experience)
- Commerative Rodimus Prime
Featured Custom: Sillof’s Star Wars as a Western
Toy Review: Classics Ultra Magnus
Listener Feedback and Questions
- Jamie: Not getting Jedi wave of Vintage
- Sim’s VM – Cigarettes. Sam here. How are you great show, as usual, answer your question Hi, I have a lot of things. I got, but I’m at the starting lineup. I got a really really fact back in few years ago. But I found out about how we have some of them were you know that. Just let me know if I ended up. Bye, couple hundred up a which took up way too much space so Little by little. I saw him off and keeping not where one, the rest of them. The one Russell, I have the either you 1989 Yvonne the 18 which apparently there’s You know, literally some info Nobody knows why, but you know that I thought of it so HI trying to. I trying to keep stuff. Kinda compact my collections. Because, The New York. You know it’s it’s looking for you and I, I certainly don’t have a lot of it. So, anyway. That’s the answer your question and Yeah, always, always good to see if you guys and look forward to it and I’ll talk to you soon. Ohh. By the way, if if anyone has seen I. I helped you. Alright the psychedelic retrospective show which has all of his action figures, which, which is the last and This is really cool catalog if you can talk to go site and pick it up and be able to use stuff. Hello online as well. So anyway. Hope all is well and I’ll talk to you soon, okay.
Grab Bag
Star Wars
Star Tours to Relaunch May 20th (Liam Neeson to Voice Qui-Gon in CW)
G.I. Joe
Toy List (Excel (sortable) and PDF)