Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 063 Show Notes

  1. Introduction

    1. About the podcast and site

    2. About Us

    3. Contact Us

    4. What are we drinking?

  2. Toy News

    1. Con News

    2. Ton of GJCC sub figures revealed (packaging, BAT and Quarrel not two first)

    3. TCC Shattered Glass Drift

    4. Mailaway Prototype Fett Shipping

    5. 30th Anniversary Wave 3 missing carded pics: Lifeline and Zombie Trooper, Storm Shadow (loose)

    6. Kre-O Great Brick Giveaway

    7. Steel Brigade running change

    8. MOTUC Star Sisters moved to February (schedule)

    9. Final voting for next Fans Choice Star Wars figure

    10. MP11 is Coranation Starscream

    11. Fan Made Projects

  3. Store Report

    1. Jaime’s – Target 12% off Legos. K-mart had two new (just 2) clone wars fig’s for $15.75. They also have vintage card’s for $12 but it’s all the same shit! Yoda watch for $30 and the Star Wars Lego Blu-ray/DVD for $19.99

    2. Sightings

    3. In The Ads

      • TRU Big Book – Lego Hoth Echo Base $10 off and others, Rage Over Cybertron $35, $24 Ark, free Kre-O Bumble with $40+, Droid Attack on Coronet $20, Trench Run $80, Attack Shuttle $70
      • Walmart – 6.88 CW and Saga, DOTM Voyagers $20, Ultimate OP $60
  4. Online

    1. New Items and Pre-Orders

    2. Sales and Promos

  5. What We Got

    • Target Exclusive TVC Luke’s TaunTaun and Search for Luke Battle Pack
    • GJCC Heavy Water
  6. Featured Custom: Cross-Stitch OP and Jetfire

  7. Toy Review: Kabaya Series 4 Rodimus and Trailer

  8. Listener Feedback and Questions

    • Steve’s entry 3rd Annual Swagaway
    • Engineernerd’s Question: . If Mattel produced 8″ Cabbage Patch Kids “Action Figures” as a subscription, would you buy them? (Actually, Palisades would have been a better company to do that, but since they are no longer around, I’m throwing Mattel in there.)
    • JD’s VM – Mr. In this is slick makes a right now. It’s J. T. I know I don’t know very often anymore. Just an update. The. The last time I called. I think I had one or two of the 30th Anniversary tober by a purse. At this morning. I’m up to 11 of that Mac and I believe I have a 12 on the way problem. My friend so This is officially more than I’ve ever owned of any one figure and my entire life there’s been a few troopers over the years and I fed, 5, maybe 6 of them, maybe 7. But. Yeah 12 is 2 more than I was originally aiming for, and Well. I’m pretty proud of it. But yeah they need to transport. I’m not one for a vehicle driver so and, I think I’m gonna have to back track. And, but I got a Cobra Vehicle, from the archives. That well. Actually old. Some troopers cos I need the piper delivery system badly. The on the 3 of them up much. I do have an approved to purchase 2 order the Pro the site white global set figure. But With has bro changes all the rules and all that. I’m waiting to find some newly shipped been teaching yours with the order for inside. So whenever I do plan one of those. I don’t pick one up and I’ll be able to order one of those, and eventually sometime down the road before a exploration. I’m going to order a second one, so that I can keep it on the car. Yeah, so I can open the first one, but that card is just so cool. I have to have one hang on the wall later. So. Yeah the first one’s definitely an opener. So, get it just looks like fun I got a little bit. I’m not much. I’m not one for describing action figures. In. In IN U. N double sort of way but cat. Dan at take your book sexy or 18 You have much cooler than storm troopers. You can call. We’re going to and then the Roper, Corey version. We’re just think alike. The really like that figure. But otherwise. Carolyn bought ohh interesting way, I am working on the G. I. Joe universe custom of a human version of the auto, but it was good. In fact, I’ve got a couple of the new 30 or 3.
    • JD’s VM 2 – Your voicemail hung up on the apparently on more long winded that I realized. So anyways, I’ve got a couple of the 30th Anniversary damps vehicles and One of them. None turning into panels, so whenever humans Driver name down in the van. That looks an awful lot like it, coming up on reprogram move dot com and, I ordered sticker sheet, from one of the I don’t know reason town’s figures in anthro released. So they’re basically reproductions of his pay details. So yeah, I will. I’ll send you guys pictures. 1. The customs we’re done. But. Yeah. Otherwise not much else to report. But I’m looking forward to your neck show and Hope everything’s going well. Alright, talk to you later. Bye.
    • JD’s 3rd VM – Hey Mr. This is big favor. It’s. It’s Judy, I can’t remember when I called now, all. No No every weekend. I’m gonna go you guys back and then it when I remember. I had each.
    • JD’s 4th VM
      Yeah I told you guys a call back in a minute when I remembered okay. I’ve been working at the picture from New York on the done and The. The Joe cycle 7 fax. Both things are it up anyway. I for my order at Big at voice or 10 minutes after the concert 3 orders bye amazed at how well as noted on those. I’m not a big dread knock fan. I thought I would room, a long time ago excited about those And the Renegade. They were the the slaughter, Frater said, Yeah I got a little bit of a soft spot for the renegade and spirit and we’ll light, and I can take early in the take or leave barbeque most the time, but it looks talking good So I’m pretty happy about those was Star Wars coverage so far has been. A Well, I I’m hoping for something better. Not, and something new that we haven’t seen yet, sometime this weekend. Or, I am not in New York City. I wanted to go but like I always for the conventions. I can never make it to go with some stupid Well, at. Yeah I can. Hoping to see so that she had, my kid that has gotten to the Thunder cats line. And I’m bracing myself for the day when she says here. I don’t know, that damn it. But it all over the place in the store so they wanna be hard to get but I’m just preparing myself. She told me into the car field. So, but. But it’s been on the it’s been this is a little less than a month since you guys brought up a podcast so. And if you guys. Your record getting, let you step doing it, alright. I’ll talk to y’all later. I love her but yeah bye.
    • Unknow VM – LA LA LA, before you open the you’re so you’ve got to pay for it. Once it’s open. What do you have to stay for a Once you listened to that podcast you’ll be game for it. It’s Towers 5 up. Holler of mixed favor. Is it is.
  9. Grab Bag

    1. Star Wars

      TPM 3D Trailer

    2. G.I. Joe

      Entertainment Tonight’s First Look at Retaliation

    3. Transformers

      gameinformer’s Fall of Cybertron “Resurrecting the Dinobots“, Combaticons/Bruticus confirmed (trailer)

    4. MOTU

      New .Org Shirts (1, 17, 2, 14, 19, 4, 30, 20, 16)

  10. Peace