About the podcast
About Us
Contact Us
- www.OpenYourToys.com
- Slick@openyourtoys.com and MrsMcFavorite@openyourtoys.com
- Twitter: SlickMcFavorite and MrsMcFavorite
- Facebook: Slick McFavorite, Open Your Toys Fan Page and Jesica Spiller
- Voicemail: 720.235.TOYS (8697)
What are we drinking?
Con News
- Botcon 2012 – No 3rd Party products, Hall of Fame Human Inductees, G2 Shattered Glass Prime
- TF Expo in Witchita on Aug 4th – Gary Chalk and IMG to attend
- CVI – Chris Hardwick to guest host, Dave Filoni, autographs, collector’s panels
- Power-Con/Thundercon tickets on sale
- NJCC – H.A.Z.A.R.D. HISS Tank
Toy News
- New BAPE Convoy
- Retaliation Carded Figure pics: Cobra Commander, Duke, Zartan, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Roadblock, (trooper and test shots)
- Disney to get Droid Factory (Build a Droid)
- Matty Customer Input
- CybertronCon 2012
- New Star Wars Multipacks Confirmed
- Wave 3 TF Prime Deluxes (in package) and new Cyberverse)
- Might Spector and Slush Head packaging and bios
Fan Made Projects
- Mastermind Creations New Prototypes
- Xovergen Trailerforce
- iGear Shark Sentry and Hench (Hench’s 2 faces)
- KO Shattered Glass Commander
- 4 3rd Party Megatrons Coming?
Store Report
- BBTS Retail Store Coming
- Cancelled Walmart Clone Wars 2-packs at TJ Maxx and Marshals
- Movie Heroes Wave 2 found at multiple Walmarts in CA
In The Ads
- Downloadable Hasbro Coupons
- BOGO 50% at Walgreens
New Items and Pre-Orders
Sales and Promos
What I Got
- Kobra Kahn
- TF Prime
- SW Fighter Pod 4-pack
- DOTM Ark
- Dinosaur Vault Order
Featured Custom: Attack on Cobra Island (download)
Toy Review: Justin (T2RX6) – Hercules Review (pics and videos) and True Heroes AB-115 Shark (TRU)
Listener Feedback and Questions
- Jaime’s Star Wars Stuff
- Engineernerd’s MP3
- Andy’s VM – Hey what’s up and everything and he from Oklahoma City giving you guys a call, can’t they keep up the good work. I hope things are going very smoothly with the baby. I just want to know that you will survive months, 5 months old and I was pissed of myself, anyway, there was a call and and I know I miss that appointment contest and I want to go ahead and really whatever excited about. Anyway, I love. Bye. You know, I’d love to let you know it. I will not his crap a shipment okay to do is maintain a car, work, and the Nelson at monster That is going to be. The let me know vacation is going crazy of a new guy. Waco Dracula in the walkman in the money And then all these cool things are going to go over the dark features, yeah just we’ll talk about that And also maybe if I could make a suggestion. I know that I can. It’s gonna be in Dallas this year, and bro, you know a lot of the for me to let you know I don’t know if we actually make it, you know make it to the coast of icon or not but some of the first one, mine, it is because mine anyway. If you could give us the suggestions on what to do and what not to be a lot. Bye. Maybe just the kind of a guy for a new anyways hey you guys. Take it easy and I will talk to you later. Bye, bye.
Grab Bag
Star Wars
G.I. Joe
Renegades Season Volume 1 (follow-up coming?) and re-release of Sunbow series
Official FOC Trailer (gameplay and behind the scenes videos) and TF Prime Season 1 on Netflix