Open Your Toys Cast – Episode 112 Show Notes
About the podcast
Kick It With Us
What are we drinking?
Con News
Toy News
3rd Party
Store Report
What We Got
Listener Feedback and Questions
- AAA Comment: Recently I have been buying a sh*t load of playsets and big vehicles. I know I don’t have any room for them but I’m a big 3.75″ collector. When you are a 3.75″ collector, you need something for your figures to live in. My questions for you guys is, name one if your most favorite Big Playset or Big Vehicle in “each” of the great toy franchises (can be modern or vintage). Here are mine favorites from each: * Transformers: 2013 SDCC Titan Class Metroplex (Thanks Slick!), * Star Wars: 2008 Legacy Collection Millennium Falcon, * G.I. Joe: 2003 Mobile Command Center, * MOTU: (sorry I don’t have playset or vehicle in this line so… I’m going to pick one another vehicle in G.I. Joe = 2005 DTS Rolling Operation Command Center)
- AAA Comment: I have been hearing a lot about Figure Subscription Services more and more these days. I have zero knowledge about how FSS works. I went to their website and see that they are offering GIJoe Third Class Membership at $44. Is this how much it cost for the entire year? For $44 – pays for 12 club magazine and the yearly subscription bonus figure right? Also… Can you pick and choose which Sub Figures you want to buy instead of forcing you to buy all 12 Sub figures? Another word, I don’t have to buy the entire lot for that year that I subscribe right? Lastly, how much does it really cost to buy in for the entire 12 figures + 1 bonus figure cost with Subscription ($44 + All FSS figs = $???) ? Sorry for all these questions, I tried to search youtube but I had no luck finding someone explaining the system to people who want to join. Thank you for your help guys! qx
Grab Bag